The Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico has long been a hotbed for UFO sightings, even though it is highly active. Now a mountain rescue team claims it has witnessed giant creatures climbing up the slopes of the mountain faster than humanly possible.
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Popocatepetl is located in the states of Mexico, Puebla and Morelos in Central Mexico. At 5,426 meters (17,802 feet), it is the second highest peak in Mexico. UFOs have been reported frequently in the area, with some witnesses seeing thementering or leaving the mouth of the volcano.
In a recent interview on Tercermilenio television, climber Guillermo Vidales, also known as Huracán Vidales, said that mountain rescue crews on Popocatepetl saw humanoid creatures measuring about 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) in height at an altitude of over 4,000 meters (13,000 feet). Seen on more than one occasion, the beings appeared to be thin and brown and not wearing any visible clothing. They showed amazing speed and skill, according to Vidales.
In addition to the photographs, Vidales says the teams have found footprints that don’t resemble humans.
What are these creatures? Are they aliens from one of the UFOs seen in the area? Relatives of Sasquatch? Perhaps they dwell in the inner earth around the volcano. Whatever they are, Popocatepetl may not be happy that they’ve been discovered. According to Mexico’s National Disaster Prevention Center, the volcano erupted 28 times in less than 24 hours on New Year’s Eve.