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Aliens & UFO's

“Friendship” and Its Collateral Effects

"Friendship" and Its Collateral Effects 1

[One of the most perplexing cases to ever come out of Latin America in recent decades has been known as the “Friendship” case – a mixture of encounters, audio recordings and sightings of strange characters, largely human, who claim to belong to “The Friendship” – identified by some as space aliens, Nazi survivalists by others, and even Protestant missionaries from North America. We have presented articles on Friendship since the 1990s, when Josep Guijarro visited the Chile and kindly allowed us to translate his findings for the INEXPLICATA Journal. Today, thanks to our friends at NOUFA, we share with our readers the latest information in the form of a series of letter and essays on this compelling subject – SC]
FRIENDSHIP AND ITS COLLATERAL EFFECTS By Raul Nunez NOUFA (Noticiero Ufologico Autonomo) #18 – Chile
A Letter From Antonio Bellcanto
My name is Antonio and I am 35 years old.
Allow me to tell you that I’m a researcher, and have spent 6 years looking into the “Isla Friendship” affair. It is a very long and complex subject, but I would like to tell you everything I know, because I believe I’ve discovered what’s going on there, and my duty as a researcher is to make it known to the world.
Well, in the year 1998 the “OVNI” program on TVN presented the case of a strange island located in southern Chile. The program visited [the island of] Chiloé and began conducting its own investigation until they came across people who knew something about the island. These people told them that a yacht bearing the name Mytilus II would come to pick up people at the Quemchi pier. These people described the yacht’s crew as foreigners (Gringos). The first clue of the case that the “OVNI” program was able to obtain was the name of the yacht, and we know that all ship or yacht registrations, down to boats, are kept by the Harbormaster’s office. Well, when Patricio Bañados and his team went to the harbormaster to ask about the Mytilus II, Navy officers looked through their records and found nothing. The yacht did not exist in their records. So, why is it that local residents have seen the yacht, and the Navy staff says it doesn’t exist?
Pursuing the investigation, Patricio Bañados was able to secure the alleged coordinates to Friendship Island. After approaching the Chilean Navy and obtaining a patrol boat to go to the coordinates, the entire team went out to find the island. Part of the crew were sailors. After nearly three hours’ voyage, the weather became steadily worse, but in fact it wasn’t. According to the sailors, the weather was not favorable for pushing ahead, so they returned to port. Upon failing in their efforts to reach Friendship Island, the TVN team returned to Santiago. Upon reaching the capital, they consulted a mentalist who told them that one of the sailors on the boat the day of the search changed the coordinates, sending them off-course, because he belonged to the Friendship.
My friends, this is the summary of what happened in 1998 to TVN’s “OVNI” program. In my investigation I will enumerate the discoveries made in recent times on the Friendship.
The Chilean Navy is concealing this information. The fact is that there are no extraterrestrials living on the island, only normal people. The United States is behind all this. Friendship is something like a branch of Area 51. In 1973, three months before the coup d’état against President Allende, two islands in southern Chile were sold. Their names were Isla Huapi and Friendhsip. There is a religion behind all this that will go unnamed. At the time of the coup, President Nixon gave Chile money to organize the attack on La Moneda [Allende’s presidential residence – Ed.]. The American strategy was to have Allende killed because he knew about the sale of these islands. These conclusions cannot be found on the Internet or in libraries.
A Letter Received in Spain from Chile in 1999
My name is Zoila Zenteno Rubio, 65, a Chilean national, living in the Spanish city of Toledo for over 25 years.
I would like you to know that in the year 1954, my father was transferred to an inward island in the sea facing the coasts of Valdivia. My father suffered from angina pectoris due to his heavy use of tobacco. He smoked nearly three packs of unfiltered cigarettes a day, and was transferred there by a family of German origin whose farm equipment my father repaired. These Germans were very industrious, hard-working people, but also mysterious. They took part in none of the celebrations of the surrounding Chileans and spoke among themselves in their own language.
My father was a very smart man and very skilled with his hands, as well as gifted with the ability to learn languages. So it was that over the years, he managed to pick up German rather well. Upon returning from that island, which he described as small but with strange machinery he was unable to describe, he said he had been treated in a very impersonal manner, and was not able to endear himself to the people who took care of him, but noticed that they concentrated greatly on what they did, since after three days of being subjected to a “laying-on of hands” and some small metallic plates placed on his torso by rather elderly gentlemen, he noticed a significant lightening of his chest as far as stiffness and pectoral phlegm were concerned, a condition that made him suffer and caused him to cough repeatedly.
He returned aboard a very modern vessel, and only saw one of his neighbors, the oldest among them, who informed him that they’d made an exception in his case, as they thought him to be a person of pure feelings, devoted to nature and his family, but told him to never smoke again. Given that his German employers were very reserved and only spoke of agricultural matters, he tried to forget about the subject, repaying them with his work and the same discretion.
My father died thinking that something wasn’t right about the place where he was taken. He remembered nothing about the days he spent there, and noticed a series of “doctors” that looked more like angelic figures than local residents. He never suffered again due to tobacco and died wondering about the strange experience he’d undergone, and which remained unexplained.
NOTE: A follow-up to this letter was conducted in Spain and its author was located. She provided more information on her father and the unusual experience, and upon reading about Friendship, felt there was a certain similarity with her father’s cure.
Several Chilean Politicans Received Nazi Money
A book discloses new clues on the alleged purchase of a bunker-island in Southern Chile with the support of the Allende government. True or false?
In September of this year, a rather controversial book appeared in Europe, published by Victor Farias, a Chilean historian living in Germany, who states that as from 1939, prestigious national politicians received payment from the Nazis for an island in Southern Chile where a secret submarine base was to be built.
In this book, the author states that several Chilean politicians began receiving money from the Nazis to have an island turned over to them. The names of some major socialist figures are mentioned, such as Marmaduke Grove and Salvador Allende. A highly controversial book, bearing the name “Chile: el ultimo bunker de Hitler” (Chile: Hitler’s Final Bunker)
As one can expect, this book has unleashed a firestorm of controversy, mainly in the press and among readers. Farias also mentions the names of several Chilean diplomats in Europe, at the dawn of the Nazi movement, whose mission was to denounce the identities of Jews to Nazi operatives in order that the Gestapo could detain them and sent them off to the death camps. Some of the descendants of those diplomats hold important positions in the national police, creating a major scandal. Victor Farias, a historian and doctor of philosophy in Germany, was catapulted to fame and the courts of law after publishing another controversial work, “Los Nazis en Chile” (Nazis in Chile), stating that Allende was anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi, a statement which resulted in a lawsuit by former president Allende’s family.
The second part of the story has now appeared. Farias returns to battle against the former national leader. He states, in fact, to be in possession of receipts signed by Chilean politicians when they received funds from the German national-socialist movement (Source: El Observatodo)
Friendship: As Seen From Chile in 2003 By Raul Núñez – IIEE Website
The first impression the subject of Friendship causes in Chile is that it is a completely manipulated affair, and that certain characters have attached themselves to it whose presence adds to its complexity. Just recently in Chile there is talk of theories put forth in Barcelona (Spain) in 1997 on the Mormon connection, the presence of national-socialist elements, and many now speak of “the conspiracy in Southern Chile”. Each person tries to guide the subject into their own fold, and characters such as Miguel Serrano are now interviewed by veteran researchers. Others have recently started to incorporate elements of political and social interest to the matter – perspectives which were unthinkable some time ago within the Chilean prism. Certainly, the openness that the country is enjoying, whether it be mental or accelerated democratization to recover lost time, including the openness of television, trying to accept subjects such as divorce, homosexuality, those who disappeared in the days of the dictatorship, etc. as normal everyday conversation, has resulted in a true, healthy and necessary liberation of the mind, indispensable for any democratic society.
Within all this mental and liberating effervescence, new hypotheses and concepts have been integrated to the Friendship, and to discuss subjects like “Esoteric Hitlerianism” is no longer restricted to marginal elements, except for some persons related to the UFO subject in this country. They have lived in stagnation in recent years, showing questionable photos and videos but never presenting a public report, not even an analysis, about what they have presented, all the while resorting to naming the pompous names of organizations in English to back their hypotheses.
Letters Received in Our Newsroom Concerning Friendship
From Julio Azocar, Puerto Montt, Chile (Received 10 September 2004)
My grandfather, a lifelong fisherman, told me before his death in 1965 that he had had a strange experience in some small islands near the locality of Quellón in Chiloé. He met some foreign gentlemen who came to barter merchandise and foodstuffs from certain clandestine merchants who fished beyond the limits imposed in those years. They would pay with some strange metal resembling lead or platinum, and which was accepted by these chosen merchants, who kept these exchanges secret. On one occasion, my grandfather made an exchange with these foreigners in exchange for a favor he did for them, securing parts for their vessel’s engine, and they paid him with a piece of this metal. Some days went by, and a couple of these merchants had a serious and violent encounter with my grandfather, taking the piece of metal from him. My grandfather avoided any further contact with the merchants after this encounter – at my family’s behest – and had no further contact with the odd foreigners.
My grandfather was a wholesome, honest person and I still don’t understand what he was telling me, and I can only come up with conjectures. What I’m clear about is that he did not lie or make up the story.
From Pedro Ignacio Herrera, Ancud (Received 7 October 1999)
Being the son of a fisherman, when I was 15 (I’m now 45) I recall having been fishing near Punta Tajamar near the locality of Abtao. It was evening and we were getting ready to return to the coast when we saw a strange vessel pass in front our barge. It looked like a large tourist yacht, modern and nearly glowing white, but when our eyes adjusted to the glow, and we overcame our initial stupor, we realized that the yacht was not on the waterline, but some meters above it. In other words, it floated and traveled quickly over the waterline. It moved silently and there was no crew visible, nothing beyond an unusual sense of majesty. My father never mentioned the subject to me again. Many local residents told me jokingly that maybe we’d seen an upgraded, modern version of El Caleuche [The Chilean “Flying Dutchman” – Ed.]. I’ve never forgotten this. Having read an article about Friendship, I’ve chosen to tell you my story.
From Maria del Carmen Robles – Talca (Received 15 January 2000)
I was born in Quetalco and my parents relocated to the Chilean interior on account of my health problems. I recall that my mother had heated arguments with my father for a while due to an incident he experienced while fishing near the islands facing Achao. My father vanished for nearly a week without his whereabouts being known. His two fellow fishermen never wanted to discuss what truly happened, and it was clear that my old man didn’t drink any type of liquor and didn’t even smoke. Over the years, I found myself spending New Year’s Eve in Chiloe and came across one of my father’s fellow fishermen. He told me that a large light had hovered over their boat, and when they awoke from a prolonged sleep, they found my father was no longer there. The other fisherman had died from mental illness, babbling about a large light and some tall luminous beings.
My father had been found wandering along the coast. It was believed that he’d suffered an accident and fallen into the water. The arguments with my mother had to do with whether he still worked for at the place where he’d disappeared. My mother knew something about it, but never told me anything. When I would ask her, she would reply that “there are things it’s best to know nothing about.” My father avoided the subject and experienced a change in later years, becoming partial to deepest mysticism.
From Fulgencio Paredes (Personal statement from Mr. Paredes to Raul Nunez in 1993)
“I was a fisherman in Chiloé from 1942 to 1954, when I saw the ghost ship “El Caleuche” with my own eyes. It sailed in front of my boat and I heard its music. I never went back to the sea. I know what I saw and I am not lying.”


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