Scientists, who are generally considered suspicious, predicted the “shaky” state of our planet into which space weather had plunged it.
Firstly, solar activity is increasing, approaching its maximum. Explosions have become more frequent on the sun, the solar wind increasingly shakes and distorts the Earth’s ionosphere. At the same time, magnetic fields make their way right to the very depths of the planet.
Scientists have collected a lot of data that confirms: events occurring in space do not pass without leaving an impact on the Earth – its depths respond with earthquakes. The most convincing evidence of the connection between one and the other is that graphs of the intensity of cosmic radiation and seismic activity match each other.
Secondly: the ionosphere has still not calmed down after the incredible force of impacts from space last year and the year before. First, a stream of heavy charged particles of an unknown nature hit the Earth, then a salvo of hard gamma radiation. It was as if someone was shooting in our direction from some supernatural weapon reminiscent to the Death Star from Star Wars. These strikes were enough to cause electrical chaos in the atmosphere.
Thirdly, the ionosphere was additionally greatly damaged by the underwater volcano Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai, the eruption of which, which lasted from January 14th to 15th 2022 in the Pacific Ocean, is recognized as the largest in the history of observations. As a result of the smoke emission, steam and ash was formed in the ionosphere to a height of almost 60 kilometers. Additionally, a giant plasma bubble – a hot clot hung over Australia.
Is it really surprising that the depths could not withstand such a confluence of circumstances – they raged in one of the most sensitive places on Earth: in the “Pacific Ring of Fire”. It contains the Philippines, where a series of earthquakes recently occurred, and Indonesia, where the Marapi volcano manifested itself.
Scientists fear this is just the beginning. They have been waiting for several years for the “continuation”, or rather the “end”, which was predicted in an extensive report (Extreme Geohazards: Reducing the Disaster Risk and Increasing Resilience), prepared at one time for the European Science Foundation. The forecast is monstrous: earthquakes all over the Earth and eruptions of all volcanoes at once.
The geological antipode of the Philippines, which is undoubtedly somehow connected with this area, is highlighted in color.
Usually the lithosphere shakes at depths of 10-30 km, but when it starts to gouge in the region of the Philippine Plate or in Bolivia, then for some reason the earthquakes there turn out to be deep-focus, that is, at a depth of 300, 400 or more kilometers, a process somewhere in the mantle.
Therefore, we look at South America. As soon as an M7.0-M8.0 earthquake happens somewhere in Bolivia, that means Culebra is on the way. Moreover, the EMTs must be at a depth of more than 100 km in the mantle, otherwise it is something else, not connected in any way with coupling.
Even if the current “troublemakers” from Southeast Asia are not joined by formidable “rebels” from other parts of the world – especially the Yellowstone volcano, Icelandic, Italian, volcanoes in Antarctica – it turns out there are more than a hundred of them there, then those from the “ring of fire” is enough to cause irreparable damage to humanity. Even relatively small volcanoes are capable of this as they are quite capable of destroying vital global infrastructure.
Scientists at the University of Cambridge’s Center for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER) warn about the serious dangers of less powerful eruptions. They indicated several critical points – places where small but “influential” volcanoes accumulate, from where they are capable of causing catastrophic damage to trade networks and routes, ports, sea and air communications and, most importantly, the numerous communication lines that support the Internet and international financial transactions.
Most of the “critical volcanoes” are located on the Pacific Ring of Fire. For example, those located near the Strait of Malacca could stop approximately 40 percent of the world’s shipping routes between Sumatra and Singapore along the Strait of Malacca. There are also plenty of air routes over the same area.
The Luzon Strait between Taiwan and Java – 17 submarine cables are laid along its bottom, connecting Asian economic centers with each other and with the whole world. Numerous ships scurry along the top from East Asia to America and back. The volcanoes of the so-called Luzon arc lined up nearby. Eruptions and earthquakes that occurred here in 2006 damaged nine undersea cables. And with them the Internet in Japan and China. They repaired it for 7 weeks.
The same Marapi volcano that has awakened on the island of Java, if it “ignites,” could, according to experts from CSER, lead to a reduction in global GDP by 2.5 trillion US dollars.
Professor Yoshiyuki Tatsumi, the leader of a large group of volcanologists from Kobe University, is frightened by an unprecedented eruption. They believe that the Kikai caldera, located in southwest Japan in the East China Sea, is behaving suspiciously. She swells and warms up while a dome with a diameter of 10 kilometers formed on the seabed. Now its top is located just 30 meters from the surface of the ocean. The dome spews boiling water, bubbles with volcanic gases and continues to grow, thus behaving as if it is about to burst, like Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Haapai.
The caldera was formed by several eruptions of an ancient undersea volcano, the last and largest of which occurred approximately 7,300 years ago. The volcano then poured out about 500 cubic kilometers of lava, killing more than half of the population of Japan during the Jomon period.
Scientists predict a repeat of the “Jomon disaster,” but on a much larger scale. They claim that a giant mega tsunami will reach all the way to North America not to mention China, the Far East and Japan itself.
According to the most dire forecasts, the eruption could kill about 100 million people, becoming the largest in human history. If the subsoil does not calm down, it will turn out Japanese volcanologists will be right.
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