In 2015, throughout Hillary Clinton’s election campaign, some American evangelical political scientists frequently criticized Hillary, urging individuals to cross themselves 33 times, citing the...
In March 2010, investigative journalists Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan from Project Camelot were given a letter by a whistleblower. The letter detailed a...
On August 8, 2024, at 07:42 UTC, Japan experienced an earthquake exceeding magnitude 7 on the Richter scale. This event caused concern among Japanese...
An interesting Ministry of Defence (MOD) “urgent bulletin” being sent to all Russian naval forces operating in the Pacific Ocean region is warning that there is...
It’s an astounding coincidence: in the absolute majority of accounts of the supernatural, be they biblical miracles, UFOs or paranormal phenomena, the protagonist had...
Stephen Sindoni shares his research on a thought provoking topic in a compilation of nine (9) videos regarding the possibility on an underground civilization...
Frustrated with YouTube “blocking” private non-profit videos? We love YouTube… but something has gone wrong! The more share this, the more likely it will...
“Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful.” ― Mary Shelley, FrankensteinDr. Victor Frankenstein was based on the real-life Johann Konrad Dippel (1673-1734), an...
ALLIES: USA, Europe, India, Israel, Colombia, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan and Oceania AXIS: Russia, China, Pakistan, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Central Asia,...
Perhaps some of the most bizarre scientific theories ever considered were those concerning the possibility that the Earth was hollow. One of the earliest...