On November 29, 2024, Turkish-backed Syrian guerrillas seemingly captured Aleppo. The news initially surfaced on social media, was later confirmed by CNN, and quickly...
Annually, at November’s end, The Economist hosts a grand celebration for the intellectually curious, featuring an unusual cover. However, this year, it appears they...
In 2015, throughout Hillary Clinton’s election campaign, some American evangelical political scientists frequently criticized Hillary, urging individuals to cross themselves 33 times, citing the...
In March 2010, investigative journalists Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan from Project Camelot were given a letter by a whistleblower. The letter detailed a...
For a long time, the relationship between the United States and aliens has attracted attention from the outside world. Former Minister of Defense of Canada...
Kim Jong Un’s younger sister, Kim Yeo Jung, hasn’t appeared in public since July 27. New rumors have surfaced about the whereabouts of Kim Jong-un ‘s...
On November 3, 2020, the US presidential elections are due to take place, the drama around which is completely unprecedented. However, whoever wins in...
Russian cosmonaut Ivan Wagner reported to Roscosmos about the observation of a group of five UFOs flying in an even formation in Earth orbit. According...
All recent events in the world were extremely illogical, including global self-isolation, and this should have had a very good reason, which required extraordinary...
On July 31, the German website liebeisstleben.de reports that in a month, from August 30, 2020, repeated quarantine blocks will begin in Germany, which will last...
Sprite, “The mysterious inhabitant of the earth’s ionosphere,” as cryptozoologists respectfully call it, is a ball of fire, a flash, a spot of light...