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Planet Earth

Evidence of the “end of the world” by a huge comet found in Syria

Evidence of the "end of the world" by a huge comet found in Syria 1

During archaeological excavations in the area of ​​the Syrian settlement of Abu Hureira, scientists came across sensational evidence of a global catastrophe that occurred 12,800 years ago.

It is believed that it was caused by the explosion in the Earth’s atmosphere of a huge comet – a piece of rock covered with ice and methane, which led to a powerful cooling, the collapse of ancient civilizations and the disappearance of many animals, such as mammoths.

An amazing layer of “dark matter” brought from outer space was found in Abu Hureira. Rich in carbon and platinum, it contains millions of nanodiamonds and tiny metal spheres formed under the influence of huge temperature.

At a temperature of 2200 degrees, the soil turned into pieces of glass scattered throughout Abu Hureira, even the most refractory elements, such as silicon, flowed.

The temperature that arose on Earth could melt a car in one minute. Even with modern technology it is very difficult to achieve such temperatures, and even on such large areas. This is not observed during lightning strikes and even during volcanic eruptions. A molten mass appeared on the caked earth’s surface, which, upon cooling, turned into thousands of glass fragments. A temperature close to this occurs only in explosions of nuclear devices.

This could only happen when the Earth collided with a cosmic body flying at high speed. The glazed soil turned out to be rich in minerals with chromium, iron, nickel, sulfides, titanium and iridium-enriched iron. All this was also brought to Earth by a comet.

A monstrous cosmic body with a thousand explosions covered both hemispheres of the Earth. That ancient catastrophe reminds mankind that it can be expected any day. Although, even with such a catastrophe, the human race managed to survive and adapt to new conditions.

Comets travel in orbits of incredible length that extend beyond the limits of the solar system, and one can only guess what else will fly to us from distant worlds. The comet materials were scattered over a territory of more than 14 thousand kilometers in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. One of the explosions of a part of a decaying comet occurred near Abu Hureira, which at that time was inhabited by nomads who had settled down to engage in farming. The same glazed samples of molten soil were found during excavations in southern Chile.


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