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Everyone is WRONG about God & Humanity!

Everyone is WRONG about God & Humanity! 3

by Doug Yurchey

A number of categories will be laid out; see if you fit into them.  Nearly EVERYONE believes one of the following:

  1. Humans are born with SIN and are humble creatures before a God in Heaven that judges your one life.
  2. Humans are lowly beings, but do not necessarily require saving.
  3. Naturalists, humanists, Darwinists, evolutionists believe and teach that people are byproducts of nature; the universe.  They elevate humans to a status of godhood and think Life began as a chance accident.
  4. Evolutionists can also believe the concept of greater beings in the universe (aliens) that could serve our definition of God.

In the western world, the above philosophic (religious/scientific) viewpoints ARE IT! Don’t a vast majority of us fall into these categories with few variations?

Well…readers are certainly allowed their beliefs.  Let this writer express his beliefs.

You’re all wrong!

In the eastern world, many believe in reincarnation… which throws a monkey wrench into everything, doesn’t it?

Let’s boil it down to a few simple questions:  What is a HUMAN; what is the human race; where do we stand compared to Life in the universe?  OK; they’re hard questions.

Those in the first and second categories would say we, people, are surely very low with respect to everything in the universe.  Difference being, the #2s would be OPEN; be on the fence; wonder about things…while the #1 fundamentalists tend to have all the answers.

The third category will also purport to have the answers when, in truth, the ‘scientists’ only have their lifeless and accidental assumptions.  Once more, as in group #4, there are many people of science who feel Earthlings might not be so high on the Universal Chart.

One could place the eastern REINCARNATIONISTS as the fifth category.  If those who believe in reincarnation think humans began low and are only spiritually evolving or recycling…


…Then, this writer can report his opinion that, ‘you’re all wrong.’

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The question can only be answered when you consider the factor of TIME.  What is humanity, when?  NOW?  What we will be; what we were?  These aren’t the same questions; they do not have the same answers.  Humanity has been a fluid entity.

WE, our ancestors, were spacefarers and could have been displaced Martians.  When our distant ancestors first walked on this planet…it was in technological greatness.  WE were the pyramid-builders.  Not tomb-makers, but builders of POWER-STATIONS; builders of an electro-magnetic World Power Grid across the surface of Earth.


Atlantis was Eden and the Mother-Civilization which brought forth lesser ages of Egyptian and Incan holocaust survivors.  Humanity’s FALL is ‘written in the rocks.’

Everyone is WRONG about God & Humanity! 4

The wireless power grid in the form of electrified pyramids, monoliths, obelisks, standing stones was destroyed then rebuilt many times in the long course of human history.  Our history is physically confirmed to travel in CYCLES.


Massive monoliths could no longer be levitated by the great machines.  Anti-gravity had to move lesser and lesser tons down through time.  Then, ancient Indians could not work in stone anymore. 

The age of earthen mounds took over.  Extraordinary, multi-roomed, complex structures of the Anasazi and Cahokian Mound-Builders were far in advance of much later Old West Indians.


After many centuries, came the Dark Ages; an ignorant time and complete loss of the recycled or fragmented technology in the distant past.

What are we?  WHEN is the question!  The future can only be positive in the long run because there will be a tendency to Return to Paradise.

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Examine the wonderful and positive view of SUPERMEN; technological Supermen and Superwomen as our progenitors.  Truth is…this glorious concept of us or our prehistoric SUPER ancestors (not in the primitive state of today’s humanity) wielding powers of the gods…is heretical in modern, conservative times.

Humans as early Atlanteans?  HUMANS cloning animals and PEOPLE as seen in George Pal’s ‘Atlantis, the Lost Continent’ (1961)?  Messing with DNA?  Cloning workers, slaves and ARMIES as seen in Lucas’ ‘Attack of the Clones’?  Ancient people with advanced knowledge; atomic weapons; dabbling in the realm of God?


Maybe our religious beliefs are solely based on where we place humanity in relationship with any higher deity?

Atheist Richard Dawkins is correct on one point:  Isn’t it interesting that we just happen to have the religion of our parents?  Beliefs are hereditary.

  We are not taught a ‘New Genesis’ or the ‘Age of Supermen’ even with larger-than-normal (human) Cro-Magnon skulls to prove it.  We are not taught in schools and certainly not in churches that OUR ADVANCED ANCESTORS BUILT MANY UTOPIAS IN THE PAST without any assistance from aliens.You are wrong because of your placement of humanity in the grand scheme of things.  Whether it be fundamental Religion or fundamental Evolution…you’re all wrong.  We have super potential.  Humanoids are excellent models.  We began as gods and will return to that state in the future.

Truth is…we have drastically fallen from technical and spiritual/mental greatness that existed in the distant past.  Why do you separate us from our true nature?  The real ‘angels’ and pilots of flying crafts were human, btw.

HUMANS have the potential to Xerox; replicate; duplicate LIFE.  (Didn’t say ‘give’).  People in the future will be able to build trees and animals as they (we) did long ago in the past.  THIS DOES NOT NEGATE HIGHER LIFE FORMS and a vast hierarchy of unimaginable beings in our one universe.  The ‘New Genesis’ idea may remove your basic idea of a simple God from the equation…so be it.

Why do we balk at the idea that people AT THEIR GREATEST having the potential of gods?  This writer has been the target of (metaphorical) stone throwing for such ideas.  We are not talking Illuminati or Darwin humanists here; grasping power; elevating ourselves to replace the classic GOD.  That’s not it.

Readers seem to only misunderstand.  There is nothing wrong with believing in the greatness of humanity.  If you only knew.  If you really saw our early history; the LONG-EXTENDED, REAL VERSION…you could view what unbelievable metropolises have risen in prehistoric times.  What technical wonders!  And, what amazing things have been destroyed.


WE DID THAT; not God…NOT ALIENS.  People with super tech; without the need for primitive speaking and writing in the beginning!  This is futuristic and prehistoric stuff.  The distant past has been Brave New Worlds.  A Brave New World does not contain stupidity (ignorance) and most people’s narrow views of God, the universe and humanity.

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For some reason, we hesitate programming our babies with blue eyes if we want blue eyes or brown eyes if we want brown eyes.  For some reason, we hesitate preventing birth defects or using stem cells.

Is TECHNOLOGY the ‘Forbidden Fruit’ as mentioned in the Bible?  As modern people, we should not be frightened of it.  It is our ancient heritage.  We only have to wield it well.

We retard technology (and education) because ‘They’ think we cannot handle it.  And, we can’t handle the modern age…unless we begin thinking like modern people.  We do not think like modern people.  We do not have a clue to our fantastic heritage in prehistoric times when we functioned as high-tech gods.


This is not blasphemy.  This is history.  This is memory.  Pyramids did not evolve.  They were not products of the Supreme Being.  Pyramids were not constructed by aliens.  They also cannot be duplicated by every scrap of so-called ‘modern’ technology.  Until we master anti-gravity like many times in the past, the stone wonders of prehistory remain an unreachable dream.

The idea that ‘we are gods’ is not blasphemy; it’s realization.  Isn’t it about time we understand and move out of Dark Ages?  Maybe we’ll start acting like advanced creatures if we knew that we really ARE advanced creatures?

Examine the wonders of the past.  The cynic will respond by, ‘our ancestors destroyed themselves, didn’t they?’  Yes, that has occurred often long ago.  But, greatness BEYOND YOUR WILDEST IMAGINATIONS truly happened here on this planet.  Utopia; HEAVEN ON EARTH…in the physical world was achieved.  Proof is in the ‘impossible’ structures made by our ‘supermen’ ancestors.

Try not to insult our creators; progenitors or First Race of large-brained people to walk and fly around this planet…by viewing them as primitive primates or robed children in a Garden…or only a product of alien engineering.

One can believe in higher orders of life in the universe AND in the potential of us as gods.  Is not the end result to be ONE; to move to higher planes; to be one with our greater self or one with a type of Supreme?  It will take a long time to get back to the ‘Garden’ and Age of Aquarius.  But, it will happen again…because IT ALREADY HAPPENED here on Earth…and everything repeats…

Copyright 2013 Doug Yurchey

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