Why was the Book of Enoch banned by the Church? Does the book really describe cases of human abduction by aliens that occurred thousands of years ago? And is it true that it contains information that tells about our extraterrestrial past and the key to the future of humanity?
The oldest Bible in the world
In Ethiopia, one of the temples keeps the most valuable shrine of Christianity – the Gospel of Garima. The two richly illustrated books date from the sixth century AD. This is perhaps the oldest and most complete Bible in the world and the Ethiopian Church is one of the earliest Christian Churches.
It is curious that the Bible of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church differs from the Holy Scriptures accepted in other Christian denominations. This version of the Old Testament includes a cryptic text known as the Book of Enoch. The Ethiopian Church considers the Book of Enoch to be canonical, while other Churches do not.
Abducted by the “gods”
The author of the book is the Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, the very one who built the ark before the Great Flood. It is believed that Enoch was immortal, and God took him to Heaven alive.
In his book, Enoch writes that when he was 12 years old, all the villagers heard a noise one night. Two Angels descended from heaven and one of them said to Enoch: “Do not be afraid, man,” and they ascended to Heaven in a chariot of fire.
Enoch saw something that he could not describe. Of course, he did not know what a spaceship was, so he wrote about flying houses made of crystal, and under him Enoch saw the planet Earth. It seems that this is one of the first stories in the history of mankind about the abduction of people by aliens.
Proponents of the theory of paleocontact believe that the Book of Enoch is one of the most convincing texts about the appearance of aliens. But it is by no means unique. Similar stories have survived in many other ancient cultures. This indicates that Enoch’s words can be believed.
Many ancient texts say that people ascend to heaven and then return. For example, in Ancient Greece there is a legend about Ganymede, who was lifted up by the eagle of Zeus. Similar legends can be found in the epics of Ancient China, Ancient Egypt, the Sumerians and other peoples. All of these stories are similar, but they lack the details that abound in the Book of Enoch.
His texts not only prove the existence of aliens, but also show the other side of God. That is why the Church decided to exclude the Book of Enoch from the Bible, it turned out to be too extreme for Christians of that time.
Divine observers
According to the Book of Enoch, not all Angels were God’s messengers. The best evidence of this is the description of the creatures called the Guardians.
The Book of Daniel tells about a certain group of Angels, whom God commanded to instruct mankind. They looked after our world and guided the development of our civilization. Daniel only briefly mentioned these creatures, while in Enoch the Guardians or Guardians of Heaven became one of the main topics. These “Angels” are not actually spiritual, but real beings. The Bible speaks about it quite clearly and distinctly. They are not from our world, which means they can be safely called extraterrestrial.
In the Book of Enoch, only 200 Guardians descended to Earth. Their leaders were Shamkhazai and Azazel, who later became known as Lucifer. The Guardians had a very bright appearance, and one of their names is the Shining ones. Enoch, while describing them, said that it was difficult to look at the Guardians, they sparkled so brightly.
The version that the Guardians were alien guests is confirmed by the testimony of the prophet Elijah. He also ascended to Heaven in a chariot of fire. Elijah was a great soothsayer, far superior to other prophets. He had a wonderful cloak that could heal the sick and raise the dead.
Chariots of fire are mentioned more than once in the Bible. Apparently we are talking about some kind of vehicle, a spaceship. According to Judeo-Christian beliefs, the soul ascends to Heaven after death, but in the Bible there are many examples of the ascension of a living person. Besides Enoch and Elijah, the same thing happened with Jesus.
What did the Book of Giants tell us about?
In the middle of the last century, Israeli shepherds found clay vessels in one of the caves, in which ancient manuscripts were kept. These turned out to be handwritten copies of the Bible, which were at least 1000 years older than others known at that time. In addition to them, there were other manuscripts, among them the Book of Giants.
This book told about the Nephilim (giants), the sons of the Guardians, their life and way of living. The Nephilim are evil incarnate. They committed terrible crimes, including eating human flesh. Finally, God decided that the Earth needed to be cleansed of the Nephilim, and named Noah, the great-grandson of Enoch as the chosen one to restart the history of mankind.
In the Bible, Noah was chosen by God for his piety. But the Book of Giants has a different version of Noah’s story. He became the chosen one even before he was born, and his father was not a man. The newborn baby’s skin was glowing, and his hair was as white as sheep’s wool. Outwardly, he was a copy of the Guardians, and artificially conceived.
The Guardians of Heaven believed that Noah would be the father of a new generation of people. It turns out that Noah was a genetically modified person, created by aliens for new life on Earth.
The official version of the Bible says that God was saddened by the atrocities and wickedness of the human race and he decided to put an end to them by sending the Great Flood to Earth. The Book of Enoch tells the same story, but with significant differences. The flood was to destroy the fallen angels and the Nephilim.
According to Enoch, God protects people. He is not at all like God from the Book of Genesis, full of rage and anger. Another difference lies in the fact that Noah received the instructions for building the ark not from God, but from the archangel Uriel. He warns Noah about the impending cataclysm and reveals the future of mankind.
It turns out that Enoch is not talking about the punishment of the human race, but about the aliens who direct our history.
Return of the gods
In the Book of Enoch, chapter 91, it is said that after the journey and return of Enoch to Earth, he is preparing for the second ascension to Heaven. But before that, he gathers his entire family, and shares an unusual prophecy. Enoch’s son Methuselah asked his father if he would see him again? Enoch replied:
“The Heavenly Guardians have said that I will return to this planet. But thousands of years will pass, so we will not see each other again.”
The concept of a Divine Chosen One leaving Earth and returning to it is found in almost every religion. The Jews are waiting for the return of the prophet Elijah, who will come before the Messiah and bring an era of peace and righteousness. It will be the beginning of the End Times.
Christians are waiting for the return of Jesus, who is considered the Messiah. For Islam, this is either the Divine Messenger Al Mahdi, or Mohammed himself.
In a sense, this return will bring a new era, a new way of the world and a new relationship between mankind and God. These prophecies foretell that a certain Messiah will appear in the clouds, accompanied by the army of heaven.
Is it possible that all these ancient texts are about a certain spaceship and an alien invasion of Earth? And the teachings of Enoch were supposed to prepare humanity for the day when a new reality will open to us.