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Aliens & UFO's

Elaborate crop circle discovered on Californian farm

Elaborate crop circle discovered on Californian farm 1


Mulder no longer has to convince Scully – the truth may have invaded the Salinas Valley.

Alien theorists and curious onlookers alike flocked to Chualar today after a video hit YouTube this morning depicting what looks like an extraterrestrial imprint in a field near just off Chualar Canyon Road.

In a two-minute-plus video shot in the pre-dawn hours, a pair of men chatter in excited whispers as they drive up upon a flattened series of circles and paths in the field.

Climbing the barbed wire fence, one climbs up on a yellow water tank and says in hushed tones, “There it is. There it is. There it is. Do you see it?”

What is it?” he continues. “What is that?”

As he pans the camera to the ground he asks his audience, “Are you seeing this? It’s all laid down.”

“Dude, this is a crop circle,” he determines.
Salinas Valley CC2

© The

Although the video itself is relatively obscured, aerial photos captured by Julie Belanger, of The 111th Group aerial photographers, show a series of patterns pressed into the green earth.

When she went up in a helicopter this morning, a crop circle wasn’t on her agenda, Belanger said.

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“It’s beautiful, very intricate,” she said. “Someone went to a lot of trouble.”

Unlike Mulder, however, Belanger is skeptical that aliens were the artists behind the labyrinthine design.

Still, Cannot Say, the YouTube poster, isn’t quite ready to put up his tin foil hat.

“Needless to say, pretty wild, but we slipped away and it’s too good not to share,” he wrote. “Created this account since I don’t want this tied to me. Still not sure what to make of it.”


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