Reports from eyewitnesses that they observed UFOs during eruptions of volcanoes, come with an enviable regularity. And now the proponents of the conspiracy theory claim that they have found an explanation for this amazing phenomenon. What is behind this? Do aliens use volcanoes as an energy source for their UFOs?
Since the famous incident in Roswell in 1947, a very large number of people believe that we in the universe are not alone. The flow of reports about alleged abductions of people by aliens or about the appearance of strange flying objects in the night, or even the daytime sky, does not stop. Attempts to explain the existence and appearance of extraterrestrials are constantly being made. And now conspiracy theorists have put forward another version, designed to explain the reason for the regular appearance of aliens on our planet.
Increase in the number of observed UFOs during volcanic eruptions
As the British Daily Star writes, reports of monitoring UFOs during volcanic eruptions have been increasing in the past. As the online portal of this newspaper informs, only for 2016 there is a whole series of videos allegedly confirming these statements. The authors believe that on those records, the alien ships clearly visible from the bowels of the volcano are clearly visible. Such messages came, for example, fromYellowstonea national couple in the US, as well as from Mexico. But the question immediately arises: what did the aliens forget about active volcanoes?
Conspiracy theorists argue: aliens use volcanoes as energy sources
Numerous, but little-known in a wide range of experts on others believe that it is able to explain why UFOs so often notice nearby volcanoes. “When an average volcano erupts, about 27 megatons of thermal energy are released. This is truly a huge mass. Therefore, it is quite possible to assume that unusual flying objects have found a way of using this energy that is wasting in vain, “one of the authors wrote at
Can aliens cause volcanic eruptions?
A certain blogger on the page goes even further, claiming that alien aliens are able to awaken on our planet seismic activity, and also cause eruptions and earthquakes at will. Can this version claim to explain the increased volcanic eruptions in recent months? In principle, yes, but so far these assumptions represent a pure hypothesis. But effective evidence of the existence of aliens, not to mention their ability to use volcanic energy, has not been as yet, nor has it.