While the world is wrestling with the ethics of drone warfare, giant, featureless rectangles are appearing in the sky. The ominous platforms are completely silent and some have hovered over towns. Below their hovering bulk people quake with fear and awe.
The technology has the ability to be armed. If they are advanced stealth drones, the original drones were deployed only to track movement on the ground. Now many are being armed with missiles. Black projects do not have to remain defenseless.
The SR-71 was once a black project. It remained a spy plane, but its successor technologies from Lockheed and Boeing were the stealth fighter and bomber, respectively. Both are armed to the teeth.
Extrapolating on the use of this technology, it’s easy to see it could be weaponized in the future. All drones are potential ‘death platforms.’ The unsettling truth is the U.S. intention to have more than 20,000 drones in American skies before 2030 threatens more than it protects.
What are these flying juggernauts? UFO archives have no record of them. The closest unidentified flying objects seasoned researchers can find that match up with the mystery rectangles are the rare diamond-shaped UFOs seen during the 1960s and 1970s over Italy and the Canary Islands north of the African coast.
The Kanarraville, Utah rectangle craft
Advanced black project drones
Some investigators speculate the unnerving craft are not piloted by extraterrestrial intelligence–in fact, they may not be piloted at all. They could be advanced black project drones directed from secret installations located in one or more facilities within U.S. Air Force bases.
Rectangle hovering over Amherst, Massachusetts
A report made to the Mutual UFO Network by a Texas couple adds to the growing data about the strange sky craft. The website io9.com shared the MUFON summary of a rectangular UFO spotted between Hutto and Taylor, Texas:
“A rectangular UFO was sighted by me near Hutto, Texas…It was very large and perfectly rectangular, grayish-black in color hovering below the storm clouds like a huge banner.
“I was driving toward Taylor, Texas on Hi-Way 79 going east. It was the size of a football field in my opinion. Moving as fast as I was driving at 55 miles per hour going parallel to it. I watched it for almost five minutes in disbelief. Then I took action and took the very next road to intersect with it and it just disappeared!
“This is the second UFO that I have seen in my life time. The other was in 1973 and it was hovering over the Decker Lake Power Plant near Austin, Texas. What a sight seeing it going zig zag across the sky then stopping for about five minutes to recharge then off it went at a blink of an eye it was gone.
“My wife [name withheld by SW/LITS] witness[ed] it with me too and went to get a camera and it was gone.”
Rectangles south of the border
Although the rectangular have been spotted across the USA and Canada, some have been seen far south of the border. Segundo Hernán Godoy López, a 50-year-old technician, experienced a stunning encounter with a radical rectangular UFO during 2008 in Santiago, Chile that—he claims—appeared to be piloted by humanoids.
This report, while appearing credible, may be exaggerated as these type of craft seem designed more for black ops surveillence and are likely remote-controlled. Although from his drawing, the configuration is not quite a true rectangle craft.
Yet, according to López’s testimony, as related by Inexplicata, “The windows were completely black. At the window on the right, he could see two humanoid figures down to their waistlines. They were thin, grey and featureless.
“The color of their bodies was very light grey and both creatures could be clearly seen in the rectangle, one beside the other. Their arms rested against the lower part of the frame, and they made clumsy sideways moves, as if looking for something in unison. It seemed as if they were looking at the landscape.
“At no time did the witness hear anything, but at one moment, when he tried to alert his co-workers in the lower floor, he found himself unable to move. He could only move his eyes. He claims not having felt any sense of despair or fear, and he stood up to the situation. He felt an increase in atmospheric pressure, and says his body was ‘pressured’ and he felt dense—a situation that lasted until the object pulled away some 10 meters from where he worked. At that point he felt normalcy returning to the surroundings.
“The object continued moving in a straight line and slowly. He managed to see that it lacked wings or other appendages. It was simply rectangular and nearly square around its base, which he calculated at some 3 meters tall. Mr. López, adds that he suffered no damage to his skin, body or mind. Aside from the momentary paralysis, he had no vision problems as a result of the experience. He figures that the entire experience lasted some 15 minutes from the start of the observation. He describes the experience as the most interesting he’s had in his life.”
Another Texas rectangle
MUFON report of rectangle UFO on September 3, 2011 at Round Rock, Texas: “I saw a rectangle-shaped object that seemed as large as an 18 wheeler or bigger hovering at least a 1000 feet moving from right to left slowly for about five minutes, and then it began to move away at a faster pace until it disappeared in the horizon after about 2 minutes. I took pictures because it seemed very odd that something shaped like a rectangle was flying with nothing else near it.”
Original, large photos filed by MUFON available here:
Rectangle craft rendition from ufocasebook.com
Black project connection
As aircraft manufacturers race to build and deploy advanced drone technology, the black military budget is also building drones with technology just short of Star Trek. Good evidence exists that the small black triangle craft and V-shaped craft are USAF high technology advanced platforms: super-stealthy and silent…almost eerie.
The rectangle drones can be converted to weapons platforms to deliver quick, silent death to identified targets considered hostile.
The consensus of some aircraft engineers who have read the reports or actually seen the platforms in operation is that they may be powered by magnetic monopoles and do not fly, but “surf” the magnetic field of the Earth.
The larger craft, such as the mammoth rectangles and balck triangles seen over Texas and during the famous “Phoenix Lights” sightings of March 13, 1997, are believed by some aircraft experts to be giant stealth dirigibles, unarmed, and used for psyop operations and secret surveillence of population centers in the U.S. and around the globe.
The smaller triangles and V-craft have been spotted as far back as the late 1970s.
A rectangle craft hovering in sky [Tushar Bhatt]
How to report your sightings
The phenomena and sightings of rectangular craft is relatively new. If you witness a rectangle craft—or any object in the sky you cannot explain—write down the details of your sighting as soon as the event as possible. If there are other witnesses, discuss the details of what was seen amongst yourselves. Then make a report to MUFON at mufon.com so they can record and investigate the case.