When utilizing existing technologies, for example, spraying or or by injecting helium dust of graphene oxide nano particles, or simply adding them to food and then using neural networks and a certain influence of frequencies, a person becomes controllable.
It is enough to influence one cell, one neuron of the brain to change certain functions of a person. Of course, they present it so far as to improve our health, but it is clear that these technologies can be used directly to control a person, for example, so that he is always satisfied with the conditions of his existence.
The era of the man in its natural form ends in the current generation, the saddest thing is that any government of any existing country will cheerfully accept the introduction of this technology.
Deloitte, a champion of consulting firms, which covers the health sector, offers us this video which dates back to March 2019, therefore long before the Covidian stories.
Thus, human populations are called upon to accept a new techno-medico-sanitary paradigm which must fundamentally change their identity, their right to dispose of their body, and their privacy. Are they consenting or not is the last of the concerns of these individuals who strive to modify human nature in order to realize their dream: to control life on earth through technology.
In a study on the permanent health surveillance of a connected individual, the authors had a burst of concern at the ethical level. They point out:
“Considerable amounts of data will be generated with the development of sensor technologies and materials science due to pervasive sensing ranging from the Internet of Things (IoT) to healthcare. Thus, statistical and computational methods, such as a range of machine learning techniques, can be used in data processing and efficient information extraction. Real-time data analysis capabilities are desired for robust data management (Paulovich et al., 2018). Ethical and moral issues in the collection, analysis and storage of data, especially data relating to personal health, must be properly addressed to protect privacy.”
In the same study, we have a representation of an individual infiltrated with graphene-based sensors that allow permanent health monitoring.
Here is an echo of a compatible representation of a human being placed on a mobile phone which seems scanned and whose data is digitized and therefore recovered by Big data.
The individual is represented on his cell phone with a light which is used to decode the information on his health which is then digitized and transmitted to a health management center.
You will see the biosensor at the forehead.
Image already present in May
Whether there are those forces that are capable of stopping this process, we do not know as yet. The power of the public opinion is currently fragmented and the “masters of the world” will do everything so that people do not unite, and by no means provide self-organization hints in society.
The only thing which can resist this ‘bleak’ future is the development of neural networks, we would call them neutralizers. Logically, any action can be countered, but does anyone do it?
The elites of different countries should be puzzled over this, what is the probability that this “dust” will not be sprayed on themselves?
When graphene was tested on mice, they ceased to be afraid of a cat, this is just for reference.
And yet, a remarkable association. Graphene oxide is one of the forms of graphite, and graphite is a form of carbon, the atom of which, in turn, consists of 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and in an electron cloud of 6 electrons.
And now let us remember the revelations of St. John, Chapter 13:
16. It forces everyone—the small and great, the rich and poor, the free and slaves—to have a mark put on their right hand or on their forehead.
17. No one will be allowed to buy or sell, except he who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight, count the number of the beast, for it is a human number; That number is six hundred sixty six
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