Image Credit: YouTube / Russia-24
Boris told the audience that he wanted to learn to draw.
A recent segment on Russian state TV mistakenly reported on a ‘high-tech robot’ that was anything but.
Known as Boris, the humorous looking ‘robot’ was seen talking and dancing during recently aired footage from a Russian technology forum aimed at helping children choose their future profession.
“It is quite possible one of them could dedicate their lives to robotics,” said journalist Arseny Kondratiev. “At the forum, they had the opportunity to see one of the most advanced robots.”
It didn’t take long however for viewers to spot that there was something off about the robot.
“Why doesn’t he have a single sensor ?” one blogger wrote. “Why is there nothing about robot Boris online ? Why does it look like as though he was made to fit a human being inside ?”
The appearance of a human neck protruding from the robot’s torso sealed the deal.
While it is likely that the reporter simply made a mistake, robots such as Boston Dynamics’ Atlas have opened the door to the possibility of a future in which life-like humanoid robots may be commonplace.
Let us hope however that they will be able to dance better than Boris.
Skip to 2:36s in the video below to see him in action.
Source: Gizmodo