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Chatham House – The Open Conspiracy Organization Emerged 100 Years Ago

Chatham House - The Open Conspiracy Organization Emerged 100 Years Ago 1

HG Wells  in “The Open Conspiracy. Blue Prints for a World Revolution”(1928) wrote that in the twentieth century the world entered a dangerous phase of development, which could end in catastrophe and even destruction of mankind. The only way to prevent a catastrophe, Wells instructed, is the elimination of sovereign states and the creation of a One World Government, headed by a small group of people – representatives of the intellectual elite and big business.

The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution

The idea of ​​world domination has been nurtured for centuries by various secret societies (Templars, Freemasons, Illuminati). However, their plans and activities were hidden from the eyes of the authorities and the people. In the twentieth century, there was an argument to open these plans. And it was necessary to hurry, because scientific and technological progress was accelerating, remaining uncontrollable. The arms race continued and accelerated in exactly the same way.

At the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, these issues were discussed openly. It was decided to create the League of Nations, through which the British and Americans expected to begin building a new world order. True, there were disagreements between the ruling circles of the United States and Great Britain. London believed that the ideal basis for a united world was the British Empire, over which“the sun never sets.” In Washington, it was believed that America became the No. 1 power after the First World War and that it was she who should lead the movement towards a new world order.

Colonel House
Colonel House

However, both in the USA and Great Britain there were politicians who considered these imperial ambitions to be “prejudices of nationalism”, considering themselves a single elite of the highest Anglo-Saxon race. Such was Edward Mandel House  (1858-1938) – diplomat, adviser to President  Woodrow Wilson  (Colonel House). Lord Alfred Milner  (1854-1925), one of the key figures in the cabinet of David Lloyd George, was also a consistent supporter of Anglo-Saxon mondialism.

Lord Alfred Milner
Lord Alfred Milner

Colonel House was very upset when, while at a conference in Paris, he learned that Washington had rejected US participation in the League of Nations, the provisions of which were laid down in the Versailles Peace Treaty. He very much hoped that the League of Nations would become an instrument for the creation of a United State. After that, in the same place, in Paris, Colonel House met with British partners. They agreed that two organizations would be created in the United States and Great Britain, closely interacting and implementing the Anglo-Saxon project of building a new world order.

The first of these organizations was established a hundred years ago, in the summer of 1920. It was the  British Institute of International Affairs (BIIA) , renamed toThe Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA)  in 1926  and still exists under that name. The Institute is also known as Chatham House, which is the name of the building in which it is located (next to Westminster Palace in central London). In 1961, the  RIIA  changed location, but the Chatham House name remained.

Chatham House - The Open Conspiracy Organization Emerged 100 Years Ago 2

The preparatory work for the establishment of the  RIIA  was carried out by  Lionel Curtis , Lord Milner’s secretary. The status of the institute is a non-governmental non-profit organization that exists at the expense of voluntary donations. The first donation of £ 2,000 was made by Thomas Lamont  of J.P. Morgan Bank. John D. Rockefeller  has contributed  £ 8,000 annually to the RIIA since 1932. Later, the  RIIA  began to regularly receive large regular donations from American charitable foundations (the Rockefeller, Carnegie, and others).

The first head of the institute was  Robert Cecil  (1864-1958) – British lawyer, parliamentary, public and statesman, active employee and ideologist of the League of Nations, winner of the 1937 Nobel Peace Prize (for services to the League of Nations). Lionel Curtis was promoted to RIIA Honorary Secretary. The leadership of the institute also included former Foreign Minister  Edward Gray , former Prime Minister  Arthur Balfour , Lord Lothian, renowned English economist  John Maynard KeynesAlfred Zimmerman  (Oxford professor, author of The League of Nations and the Rule of Law). Zimmermann had a capable student, Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975). On Zimmerman’s recommendation, Toynbee became the institute’s first paid employee. Toynbee was later appointed director of the institute. At Chatham House,  Toynbee played the leading role for three decades (1925-1955). He directed scientific research and was at the same time a high-ranking officer of the British  MI6  (intelligence) service. Much of the RIIA research was done on behalf of MI6 .

Arnold Toynbee
Arnold Toynbee

RIIA did not arise out of nowhere. It became a superstructure over the rather secret organization “Round Table”. According to historians, this society arose as a secret in 1891 in South Africa at the initiative of Cecil John Rhodes (1853-1902), a famous figure of British imperialism, who linked his life with the British colonial expansion in South Africa. Rhodes, a gold and diamond miner in South Africa, was associated with the Rothschilds. In 1910, the Rothschilds established the Round Table in London; the main public figure for the Round Table was Lord Alfred Milner. During the Lord’s lifetime, the Round Table was often called the Milner Group. Many historians believe that at the beginning of the 20th century the composition of the Round Table and the composition of the Committee of 300 (the world elite).

As Nicholas Hagger notes  in The Syndicate, the history of the creation of a secret world government and the methods of its influence on world politics and economy ”, the activities of the Round Table had two contours – external (open activity) and internal (secret activity). The task of the Round Table, writes the famous American historian  Carroll Quigley (1910-1977) in the book Tragedy and Hope, was “no less than the creation of a world system of financial control, concentrated in private hands and capable of influencing the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system will be completely feudally governed by the central banks of the world, acting in accordance with secret agreements concluded at frequent personal meetings and conferences. Quigley was very fond of the Round Table, being the official historian of this society.

The Round Table set out the task of creating a world government governed by international bankers. Many researchers of the Round Table activities believe that the program of this organization as a whole coincides with the program of the Illuminati Order in the 18th century. The successors of the Illuminati, members of the Round Table, viewed England as an Atlantic force, not a European one, and counted on the creation of a federation of English-speaking countries. Milner has established Roundtable Groups in South Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and CIF. They were all run from England. They included the most famous politicians of the British government, and they were all devoted to the idea of ​​world government. The Roundtable has always wanted to transform the British Empire into a federal system that would eventually include both the United Kingdom and the United States.

The RIIA  was a continuation of the Round Table. After the death of Lord Milner in 1925, references to the Round Table became rare, and more often people began to speak of the Royal Institution. In 1931, Toynbee gave a speech in Copenhagen, in which he declared:  

“We are currently working with all who can make all the nation-states of our world forget about the mysterious power called sovereignty. And we constantly deny what we really do .

Nicholas Hagger believes that Toynbee was more American than British, as most of the funding came from overseas, from the Rockefellers:  

“For 40 years, Toynbee was actively involved in the RIIA’s efforts to create a world government. In his writings, Toynbee argues that nation states are withering away and will be supplanted by the “Rockefeller” world government. Although Toynbee’s work is fascinating, it is unfortunately completely unreliable .

Toynbee was a prominent member of the Fabian Society, ideologically close to the Labor Party. Toynbee and his associates Herbert Wells,  Bertrand RussellBernard Shaw, brothers Julian and Aldous Huxley did not rule out that the international socialist movement would become one of the possible ways to create the One State. In particular, Toynbee and his associates were very impressed by the Bolsheviks’ commitment to internationalism, although the Fabians and employees of the Royal Institute did not share communist views.

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Among those who surrounded Toynbee, many understood that the building of the One State was a task for the distant future. It is necessary to move towards the cherished goal gradually. The creation of a united Europe, in which individual states would dissolve their sovereignty, was considered as a closer goal. Toynbee managed to live up to this time, when the Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957 by six European states (1957), and later the European Economic Community (EEC) began to be created.

A year after the establishment of the RIIA, a mirror institution was created on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, called the  Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) . The origins of the organization were Colonel House and  Paul Warburg  (1868-1932) – one of the initiators of the creation of the US Federal Reserve System. CFR members   included Woodrow Wilson, Colonel House, and a number of other influential politicians, bankers and businessmen. Particularly noteworthy are members of the Council such as  John Foster Dulles  (served as Secretary of State under President  Eisenhower ) and his brother  Alain Dulles (future first head of the CIA). A close informal relationship was established between John Dulles and Arnold Toynbee. John Dulles, as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation, has helped ensure that the Royal Institution receives regular financial support from the Foundation.

All publications on the Royal Institution usually refer to the  Chatham House Rule . It assumes that participants in closed meetings have no right to disclose the authorship of those other opinions outside the small circle of RIIA members  . Opinions can be published, but as impersonal. The rule is intended to encourage maximum openness and frankness in internal meetings. The official mouthpiece of the institute is International Affairs  and World Review .

Since 2005, the Royal Institution has established a prize – the  Chatham House Prize . It is awarded annually to “the statesman or organization that Chatham House members believe have made the most important contribution to improving international relations in the past year .” 


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