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Cash or Trash? The main goal of the new world war has been named as the era of cash is coming to an end

Cash or Trash? The main goal of the new world war has been named as the era of cash is coming to an end 1
Photo: geralt / pixabay

The approach of a universal digital society is hastening. The International Monetary Fund urges all governments to accelerate a total cash ban and urgently implement digital money.

The IMF, one of the leading structures of the globalist system, has proven itself to be the operator of the widespread introduction of digital money. IMF Director Kristalina Georgieva, speaking at the recent Singapore FinTech Festival, urged governments around the world to abolish cash as soon as possible and replace it with the so-called Central Bank’s digital currency, which has the generally accepted abbreviation CBDC.

It follows from Georgieva’s keynote speech that digital money should replace cash so that the global elite can control what ordinary people spend their money on.

Among the “advantages” CBDCs listed by Georgieva are “increasing the resilience of developed economies, more convenient cross-border banking, low cost and security in terms of an alternative to what is called private money.” CBDC will also expand access to financial services.

Georgieva seduced the world community with the fact that “with the help of CBDC, high-quality protection of personal data can be achieved.

”The IMF is also considering introducing artificial intelligence into its work with CBDCs to “improve the system.”

Noteworthy is the fact that Georgieva addresses her message not only to the Global South, whose countries most often seek the services of the IMF, but, above all, to the “developed economies”, which, according to the the globalist’s plans, should become the locomotive of the world transition to digital money.

Earlier, Kristalina Georgieva said that the IMF was “working hard on a global CBDC platform.” CBDCs of individual countries “must be compatible with each other.” That is, we are talking de facto about creating a single world currency.

Digital infrastructure

The transition of all national economies to payments via CBDC, both within countries and in international trade, is the most important component of the so-called digital public infrastructure (DPI), which will put all of humanity under control.

The DPI project is being implemented under the auspices of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation with the support of the European Union, the IMF and the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.

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Along with replacing cash with digital money, digital public infrastructure involves two more indispensable “protocols”: the elimination of paper documents and a complete transition to digital ID cards, including the introduction of electronic vaccination passports for each person, as well as comprehensive exchange of digital data in all areas of human life, including education, medicine, transport, etc. DPI as a pilot project will be introduced in 50 countries by 2028. And by 2030, according to the plans of the project organizers, the whole world should switch to DPI and, accordingly, to CBDC digital money.

How to become an outcast?

Without being a member of DPI and without having CBDC digital money in his account, a person will be excluded from social life and will actually become an outcast. He will not be able to purchase and sell goods, receive education, go to medical institutions, use personal and public transport, receive government services, and so on.

At the same time, the introduction of DPI also implies the unconditional introduction of a social rating (which is now actively used in China) – a system for assessing a citizen’s loyalty to the authorities and the compliance of his behavior with established norms.

The social rating system allows you to limit a person’s access to his financial resources and his ability to move in space if the system operator considers that the person’s behavior does not comply with the norms and rules.

Moreover, it is clear that the operator of such a system can only be the state or structures authorized by the state. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that a citizen’s low social rating will be tantamount to his exclusion from the digital public infrastructure and restriction of his access to all of the above social opportunities.

With the introduction of DPI, CBDC and social rating, the question of respect for fundamental human rights certainly arises. Meanwhile, these rights can easily be limited or even violated under the pretext of declaring some kind of state of emergency or a pandemic of a “dangerous disease.”

As for declaring a “pandemic,” this will soon become the mandatory prerogative of the World Health Organization (WHO), another structure closely associated with the IMF, WEF and the aforementioned private foundations of Gates and Rockefeller in establishing the power of a handful of doctrinaire globalists in the world.

At the moment, WHO is making every effort to promote the so-called global Pandemic Agreement, which is being prepared for signing in May 2024. Countries that sign it will transfer their sovereignty to the WHO, which, having received the right to arbitrarily declare pandemics, will become the de facto highest global governing body.

Unrealistic deadlines

So what are we seeing? There is a coordinated, intensified work of all globalist structures – the UN, the WHO and the IMF subordinate to it, as well as private doctrinaire foundations (calling themselves differently – “charitable”, “economic” and “philanthropic”) on the multifaceted construction of a new, digital a global system into which globalists, under plausible pretexts of convenience and security, are drawing all countries and all people.

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The announced deadlines for building such a digital global society are 2028 and 2030. They seem unreal. The fact is that the IMF’s exhortations about “benefits” CBDCs do not work with the peaceful development of the planet and mutually beneficial international economic cooperation.

Paradoxically, the head of the IMF herself admitted this. Georgieva said that “the implementation of CBDC is still far from complete,” even if, according to the IMF, 60% of countries are “exploring this possibility in one form or another.” After all, “to explore the possibility” – this is not at all about taking on obligations. But, nevertheless, “optimistic” Georgieva called on “the public sector to continue to prepare for the use” digital money.

The time frames of 2028 and 2030 also seem unrealistic due to skepticism among the population of different states about such DPI “protocols”, as “digital passports”. This was obvious during the recent pandemic, when in many European countries, the USA, Canada and Australia, the lack of an electronic vaccination certificate excluded a person from social life, which caused active population protests.

Everything is fine? No, everything is bad

Summarizing the world’s general skepticism about DPI, which is actively communicated by the non-systemic press, the planned dates seem unrealistic when everything is relatively good in the world.

This means that everything in the world must be very bad for the arguments of the globalists to work, for all the “objective” arguments to be available, the conditions for the speedy introduction of all DPI “protocols” and, in particular, digital money. To achieve their goal by 2030, globalists must create conditions where people will not question why they need the digital world.

In this regard, it is impossible to ignore the already regular statements of WHO Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus, that “a new pandemic is only a matter of time.”

In the same picture of conditions – when “everything is bad” – the situation of extreme international tension, fits neatly into it. Now, in the context of the war between Russia and the United States through the war in Ukraine, in the context of an unprecedented surge in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as well as in connection with the threat of a direct clash between China and the United States over Taiwan, talk of a global nuclear conflict has moved from the traditional liberal press and politicians from an incredible theory to a highly probable scenario.

At the same time, the most intractable of all conflicts – the Palestinian-Israeli one – also has the highest potential of escalating into a global nuclear catastrophe.

What is GDCC?

Given the shortest time frame set by globalist doctrinaires for building a universal digital public infrastructure, there is a great danger that the world globalist “elite” will go to provoke the creation of “ideal conditions” – when people on Earth, in search of peace and tranquility, in search of food and clean water, in conditions of complete devastation, driven by the fear of death and the desire to survive themselves, like a weak-willed herd, will stand in line for electronic passports and electronic money in exchange for what they deprived.

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A dark side “elite” is pushing humanity towards what will soon become known as GDCC (Global Digital Concentration Camp). But first we will have a global destructive war and a new pandemic. It is unknown what’s ahead but it seems (for now) this is not a revolt of the machines but a victory of the machines.


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