
Baalbek, a sanctuary for the fallen: the city built by Cain and the Anunnaki in 5377 BC

Baalbek means “Lord of the Beqaa Valley” and its ruins are located 65 km (42 mi) northeast of Beirut. It is known that Baal in Phoenicia, Canaanite and Syria is not only a “master” or “lord”, but also a specific deity (not to be confused with Creator God – El), which in Sumer (and then in Akkad, Assyria, Babylon) was called Marduk (son of Enki, one of two supreme gods of Sumer). Marduk considered himself the leader of the Age of Aries, beginning (according to some modern esotericists) around 2310 BC and ending around 150/160 BC.

“The patriarch of the Lebanese Maronite community, Estfan Doveigi, wrote: “ According to the legends, the fortress of Baalbek is the oldest building in the world. It was built by the son of Adam Cain in 133 from the creation of the world, in a fit of insane rage. He named it after his son Enoch and populated it with giants who were punished by the Flood for their iniquity.”Wikipedia 

The Maronites are the eastern branch of Catholicism (the self-governing Maronite Church). 133 years from the creation of the world (5 509 BC according to the chronology of the Septuagint), this is 5 377 BC. – the beginning of the rise of Sumer, in which, according to the Sumerian texts, the Anunnaki ruled – and the Sumerians considered them gods. 

Apparently, the Anunnaki are the Elohim mentioned at the beginning of the Book of Genesis. These are the same “fallen angels” of the 6th chapter of the Book of Genesis, or “guardians” in the book of Enoch, Noah’s great-grandfather, who were tempted by earthly women, took them as wives, and their children from earthly women are mentioned in the same 6th chapter of the Book of Genesis as “giants”.

Cain and the Anunnaki

This is who the “giants” with whom Cain populated the proto-Baalbek built by him are. According to Zecharia Sitchin (and many after him), the Anunnaki are several hundred (up to a thousand) aliens, volunteer migrants from an alien highly developed civilization, who, using genetic engineering, created helpers for themselves about 200,000 years ago (the Anunnaki initially called “primitive workers”). These were the proto-Sumers.

One way or another, perhaps it was the Anunnaki who built these huge megalithic masonry in ancient times, for some purpose of their own – of which we can now only see ruins.

We also note that Baalbek is not the place where, according to the biblical Book of Genesis (Gen. 4:16), Cain was expelled after the murder of his brother Abel (not the “land of Nod”), since, according to the same chapter of the Book of Genesis, the land of Nod is located “to the east of Eden” (that is, to the east of Mesopotamia), and Baalbek is located to the northwest of it. 

Thus, most likely, Baalbek was founded by Cain even before the murder of Abel. The fact that Cain, even before the murder of Abel, made friends with the Anunnaki, or with the Nephilim (the children of the Anunnaki from earthly women, in the Book of Genesis they are called Giants), perhaps explains why Cain became a murderer: after all, the Anunnaki, judging by the Sumerian texts, were not only sexually anxious adventurers, but also psychopaths (and two Anunnaki clans, the ones of the brothers Enlil and Enki fought among themselves). 

According to chapter 6 of the Book of Genesis, and the Book of Enoch, their children (nephilim, giants) were even more immoral, evil and criminal than the Anunnaki themselves (the “sons of God” who fell away from God – according to chapter 6 of the Book Genesis, or Watchers / Watchers in the book of 1 Enoch).

It should also be noted that the words “Baal” and “Babylon” have common historical elements, as Babylon (confusion) is the city of Marduk, the main troublemaker and rebel among the leaders of the Anunnaki. 

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It was because of the ambitions and psychopathy of Marduk (son of Enki) that the clans of Enki and Enlil fought each other three times, and their third war (circa 2016 BC) ended in some major regional catastrophe, which is known to historians and archaeologists as “great drought” in Mesopotamia (as well as in the Near, Middle and Far East) at the turn of the 3rd and 2nd millennia. 

Zecharia Sitchin wrote in his books that these were the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons in this last Anunnaki clan war. After this catastrophe, almost all the Anunnaki left the Earth. According to Sitchin, only Nanna (son of Enlil) in Harrar and Marduk in Babylon remained there for more than a thousand years. 

Seems to be, The Anunnaki were seen alive not only by Abraham (in the XXII-XXI centuries BC), but also by Moses in the 15th century BC. (at least he could have known about the ruler of Haran, about Nanna, from his father-in-law Jethro, the princes and priest of the Midian tribe of the Kenites, who lived in the neighborhood of the lands of Haran).

One way or another, the ancient Phoenician deity Baal is most likely the Sumerian “god” Marduk, and most likely it was his band of bandits of “giants” that led Cain to the city of Baalbek he founded. 

According to the Book of Genesis, after the murder of Abel, Cain was expelled far to the east of Eden (from Mesopotamia), and the descendants of Cain, the Cainites mixed there with the descendants of the proto-Sumerians, who migrated first (70-50 thousand years ago) from South Africa to the north, and to the Arabian Peninsula, and then to Asia, including the Far East.

Monstrous Baalbek megaliths

“In the center of the city stood a grandiose temple dedicated to Astarte and Baal, which today is a platform of five million square feet, built from the largest stones ever created by human hands. This huge ancient platform became the basis for the later Roman temple complex, which includes three separate temples dedicated to Jupiter, Bacchus, and Venus, respectively.”

Reconstruction of the temple complex of Baalbek from a bird’s eye view of 1921, according to the results of German excavations in 1901-1904. Image from Wikipedia article “Baalbek” (Authorship: Bruno Schulz (1892 – 1942). Baalbek. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen in den Jahren 1898-1905 Band I-III, Th. Wiegand ed., 1921-25, Public domain, https

Further, J. Robinson, the author of “The High-Tech Stonework of the Ancients: Unsolved Mysteries of Master Engineers“, writes that the stones, originally (in the 6th millennium BC) used at this place to build the temple of Baal and Astarte, are so huge that, compared with them, the 200 one-ton blocks seen in the temples and pyramids of Giza look like toy bricks. 

The largest stones of Giza weigh about 400 tons, while the three hewn stones, known as “trilithon”, which lie at the base of the ruins of the temple of Jupiter (the former temple of Baal), weigh about 800 tons each. 

J. Robinson continues:

“Officially, scientists attribute the movement and cutting of these monstrous monoliths to the Romans around 27 BC, but many researchers dispute this idea, suggesting that they are the remains of some other ancient civilization from a much earlier era. 

The famous Giza pyramid researcher Graham Hancock, one such dissident, writes:

“Moving and setting three 800-ton megaliths 18 or 20 feet above the ground, as in the case of Baalbek, is a problem of an entirely different order. I think this needs careful consideration and not just saying ‘the Romans did it’, as archeology tends to do nowadays.” 

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The combined weight of the entire base at Baalbek is estimated at about five billion tons. Were the Romans capable of moving that much stone? It’s hard to imagine.

The largest megalithic block in the world, found in Baalbek in 2014 (photo from an article by J. Robinson[). To estimate the size of this block, pay attention to the size of the trees to the right.

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The mass of the largest megalithic block found in Baalbek in 2014 is estimated at more than 1,650 tons). In fact, three such monoliths are known there. The first, weighing about 1000 tons, has been known since ancient times, and is called the “Stone of the South”. In size, the stone reaches 20 meters in length, more than 4 meters in width and about 4 meters in height. 

In the 1990s, a second megalithic block similar to the Stone of the South was discovered in the Baalbek Quarry; its mass is about 1300 tons, length is about 20 meters, cross section is about 4.5 × 4.5 m. But the finds in Baalbek did not end there. In the Wikipedia article “South Stone” we read:

“In 2014, while exploring the same Baalbek quarry, the German Archaeological Institute found a third monolith about 19.6 meters long, the mass of which is estimated at 1650-1670 tons. That is, it is currently the largest stone known to have ever been carved by human hands” .

J. Robinson in the article “High-Tech Masonry of the Ancients: Unsolved Mysteries of Master Engineers” writes:

“After the discovery of the second monolith, Graham Hancock wrote:

“I believe that these huge megaliths were prepared long before the construction of the Temple of Jupiter by the Romans and are probably 12,000 or more years old – like the megalithic site of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. I assume that we are looking at the handiwork of survivors of a vanished civilization, that the Romans built their Temple of Jupiter on a pre-existing 12,000 year old megalithic foundation , and that they were unaware of the giant carved megaliths in the ancient quarry as they were covered with sediment in Roman times (as, however, the recently discovered block was still there until very recently)”.

It remains unexplained how the Romans – or whoever was actually responsible for such an astounding feat of engineering – quarried, carved and transported the Baalbek megaliths. And another mystery is why they left the largest blocks in place. The main answer is that they were simply too heavy to maneuver, so they were left in the ground, but they managed to move the 800-ton “trilithon” blocks, so why not the rest? 

Even if they thought it was beyond their engineering ability, they would certainly cut them into smaller, more manageable blocks to complete the temple.

“It’s really strange that they didn’t, and so the fact that these giant, almost finished blocks remain in the quarry and were never cut into smaller blocks and used in the general construction of the Temple of Jupiter, leads me to believe that the Romans did not even know that they were built”, Hancock explains.

Incomprehensible hypothesis and unanswered questions

Could all these pyramids and ancient objects of incomprehensible purpose were intended for the bodily embodiment of the fallen guardian angels, after which they called themselves gods and established cults of worship to themselves?

Apparently, the process of incarnation was quite energy-consuming and was possible only in certain places, and these places were artificially strengthened by ingenious megalithic masonry. But even this did not always help, and the spiritual body was not always successfully “loaded” into the earthly one in the reality of that time. 

But as for the lack of mention of this in the Book of Giants or the Book of Enoch as well in the Bible, this still does not say anything. It speaks more about the relationship between man and God than about the techno-magical occult practices of antiquity. 

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The Bible does not say anything about the existence of the pyramids, but this does not mean that they did not exist then. The absence of reference could occur for two two possible reasons:

1. The Bible describes the world (primarily man’s relationship with God) after 5509 BC. (according to biblical chronology, the creation of Adam and Eve), and the Sphinx and the pyramids were built about 5000 years earlier.

2. The Sphinx and the pyramids were built by the Anunnaki – who are described in the Bible as the wicked who fell away from God (they are described in the 6th chapter of the Book of Genesis as those creatures who spread evil on earth, and because of which God sent the Flood to the Earth)

As for the Book of Giants, only its Manichaean version is available to us. 

“Official science” still believes that the pyramids of Giza were built under the pharaohs of the 4th dynasty (2639-2506 BC) – Khufu (Cheops), Khafre (Chefren) and Menkaure (Mykerin). In recent years, settlements of the builders of the pyramid of Cheops (the largest), and several papyri with reporting documentation of tenants and centurions about this construction, have been discovered.

However, supporters of alternative versions argue that under Cheops only repair work was carried out (albeit large-scale), and, in addition, under Cheops, some corridors inside the pyramid were cut down – Cheops was looking inside the pyramid for the secret tablets of the god of wisdom Thoth, which he (Thoth) hid in the secret premises of this pyramid – which, according to the plan of Thoth, was erected many thousands of years earlier than the life of Cheops.

And there is a papyrus from the time of Cheops, which directly says that Cheops was looking for the secrets of Thoth in the pyramid. And this is written in the so-called. “inventory stele” found (dug out) relatively recently between the paws of the Sphinx.

As for the Great Sphinx, official science also believes that it was built many millennia earlier than Cheops lived.

Graham Greene and Robert Buvel in the 1990s put forward a hypothesis (and proved it with computer simulations) – that the topology of the pyramids of Giza exactly corresponds to the position of the three stars of Orion’s Belt 10,500 BC. and the sphinx originally had the muzzle of a lion – and it looks exactly where at the beginning of the era of Leo (just about 10,500 BC) the star Sirius, sacred to the Egyptians, rose.

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Zecharia Sitchin believes that the pyramids and the Sphinx-Leo were built according to the plan of the main inventor and geneticist of the Anunnaki named Ningishzida (son of Enki), around the same time – 10,500 BC. Sitchin claims that later it was Ningishzida who became famous in ancient Egypt as Thoth, the god of wisdom.

Finally, by 2017, modern scientists came to the conclusion that about 10,800 years ago a planetary catastrophe occurred on Earth (a huge asteroid fell into the Atlantic), and only a few centuries later, life on earth began to recover.

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