Archaeologists have unearthed an abandoned settlement of the Mayan civilization, previously unknown. Remarkably, the discovery occurred not through conventional digs, but via computer analysis...
The existence of people of significantly greater stature in our past is a subject often considered “taboo” by contemporary official history and science, despite...
An ancient Egyptian granite vessel is believed to be over five thousand years old, predating the first pharaoh dynasties. This artifact is notable not...
Several human skulls with horns protruding from them were discovered in a burial mound at Sayre, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, in the 1880′s. With the...
Atlantis: The Antediluvian World is a book published during 1882 by Minnesota populist politician Ignatius L. Donnelly, who was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during...
A team of American and Mongolian scholars may have discovered the final resting place of one of history’s greatest warriors, Genghis Khan. The discovery,...
When priests at the temple complex of Chavín de Huántar in central Peru sounded their conch-shell trumpets 2,500 years ago, tones magnified and echoed...