Archaeologists have unearthed an abandoned settlement of the Mayan civilization, previously unknown. Remarkably, the discovery occurred not through conventional digs, but via computer analysis...
The existence of people of significantly greater stature in our past is a subject often considered “taboo” by contemporary official history and science, despite...
An ancient Egyptian granite vessel is believed to be over five thousand years old, predating the first pharaoh dynasties. This artifact is notable not...
Fragments of an ancient continent are buried beneath the floor of the Indian Ocean, a study suggests. Researchers have found evidence for a landmass...
by K.P. Robbins, Author of The Stonehenge Scrolls Although archaeologists have greatly expanded our knowledge of Stonehenge–through such means as radiocarbon dating, examination of...
New photographs have emerged which apparently show Alien artifacts. The pictures released show two strange rocks fused together that contain strange symbols and carvings.What’s...
In Russia, in the Caucasusmountains, not far from the cities Tzelentzchik, Touapse, Novorossiysk and Sochi, there are hundreds of megalithic monuments. The Russians call...
Chinese mosaic lines These strange lines are found at coordinates: 40°27’28.56″N, 93°23’34.42″E. There isn’t much information available on these strange, yet beautiful mosaic lines...