A former military officer, previously engaged in the US Army’s arms control, has discussed alien visits to military bases housing nuclear weapons, as reported...
CIA documents from 1984, recently released, detail an individual who “sees” through the parapsychological activity known as “remote viewing.” They describe a defunct “race...
The frequency of UFO sightings has recently surpassed all expectations, leaving ufologists overwhelmed by the sheer volume. Despite this, amidst the backdrop of mysterious...
Alternate history researchers have discovered a peculiar book from 1965 outlining the systematic shift of Earth’s poles, along with potential causes and the timing...
Are ancient sites such as stone circles and Ley lines invisible powers pulsating with a mystical energy that UFOs and their Extra-Terrestrial visitors use...
Dulce underground secret Base under Mt. Archuleta, Dulce, New Mexicothis footage has allegedly been smuggled out from the Dulce alien underground base where humans...
There is much evidence throughout the years that UFO occupants use telepathy on humans. Physicists such as Jack Sarfatti research a field called post-quantum...
Units of the Indian Army and the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP) have reported Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOS) in the Ladakh region of Jammu...
Introduction The purpose of this article, is to promote a debate amongst scientists in particular and the public in general, about a revolutionary scientific...
In December 1978, several months after Frederick Valentich disappeared over Bass Strait after reporting a UFO, unidentified lights were reported in the skies above...
Humanity’s interpretation of the appearance of what we call “ghosts” has largely remained constant throughout history. In general terms, when the apparent apparition of...