
Agartha, A Subterranean World Inside Our Planet, Confirmed By Top Secret Nazi Maps And Documents

Us humans know a lot about the surface of the Earth. We’ve drilled oil rigs into it, mapped it, and studied it so many times that we can pretty much find out anything about the Earth from some database out there. However, we know very little about the inside of the Earth, a fact that the Nazis think that they have a lead into.

Map of Neuschwabenland

Nazi maps were recently uncovered that brought up questions as to whether the Earth is partially hollow and inhabited by lifeforms that we might have never seen. There are even stories of these Nazis who explored the polar regions of the Earth and going so far as to create secret bases in Antarctica.Imperial German maps of the Hollow Earth

Imperial German maps of the Hollow Earth

Translation:Maps for the passage of the depths of the seas.Use only during manoeuvers!Instructions to pass spaces and corridors for the voyage to Agartha.

Beyond the Nazis, many other researchers have discovered and published material regarding Operation Highjump and Admiral Byrd’s journeys in which technologically-advanced airships and UFO were believed to be seen flying around, and even aggressively engaging with them. In addition, a top-secret map found in a U-Boat depicts many secret passages that were used by the U-boats to explore unknown and mysterious underground regions. All these maps indicated that the center of the Earth is hollow. But why have the Nazis kept this a secret for so long? Such a fact would be of great curiosity to man if it were found true.

This is a close up of the document showing us the NS Seal and advice on how to work with it.

Translation:After returning from the assigment hand in at the secret department!IN CASE OF DANGER DESTROY FIRST!Printed for the Military Navy in an edition of 1300 copies at the special laboratory of the KZ Dachau. January 1944.

Perhaps all this was merely a propaganda scheme made for the war. After all, the Nazis wanted to establish themselves as a master race, and making it look like they had access to underground U-Boat tunnels and that they could communicate with supernatural things such as UFOs would make them look very dominant if that U-Boat were to be captured by the enemy.

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This map shows us the main continent of this hemisphere named Liberia. The main ocean here again is also the Valkarian Ocean. On the lower part of the map the city of Shambala is depicted. The Tibetan Monks believe that the City of Shambala is not on our surface but on the inside of the Earth. This map of the Inner Earth shows us the actual position of Shambala confirming the actual existence of this mythical place.Or maybe the Nazis wanted to keep this information secret to us in case they ever needed to use it for military needs in the future. Think about it: having access to secret underground tunnels could lead to more efficient and safe travel over enemy waters.

This is a letter from a German U Boat crewman of U-209. He says in the letter that U-209 commanded by Heinrich Brodda made it to the Inner Earth of Agharta and that they wouldn’t be coming back.

Translation: Dear old comrade,This message will be a surprise to you. The U Boat 209 has made it, the Earth is HOLLOW! Dr. Haushofer and Hess were right. The whole crew is doing well, but they cannot come back. We are no prisoners. I am certain, that this message will reach you, it is the last contact with the U 209. We will meet again comrade. I am worried about the people that have to live on the surface, since the Fuehrer is gone.God bless our Germany always.With hearty greetings,Karl Unger

Whether the Earth is hollow or not, the Nazis have left us quite a puzzle to deal with. Hopefully one day we will take a “Journey to the Center of the Earth” and find out!


Neuschwabenland, Antarctica and Operation Highjump

More info and translations of all the text on the documents:

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