The aliens abduct not only the inhabitants of the developed countries, but also those who live in the wild jungle. For obvious reasons, such incidents are difficult to report to the rest of the world and usually remain local. A story that became known from such areas is the following:
In March 1978, an anonymous fisherman was on the banks of a river in a remote area of the Brazilian state of Maranhao. There were no other people around him only dense green “walls” of the tropical jungle.
Suddenly, the man heard loud screams somewhere near him in the dense vegetation. A man was screaming in pain. The fisherman followed the voice and a few minutes later he met a teenage boy lying on the ground. The fisherman tried to ask him what had happened to him and what had happened to him, but the boy did not seem to understand him. And when blood began to flow from his mouth, the fisherman realized that the child must be taken urgently to the doctors.
When the boy ended up in a doctor’s office in the nearest settlement, he was found to have the following injuries: many of his teeth were missing, as if they had been pulled violently, many were broken, in several areas his head was missing hair and these spots looked like like small burns, the same “burns” were in his ears.
But the worst part was that the boy could not understand anything and was in a strange state out of reality. He did not react or speak. Only a few days later when he was taken to hospital and they started giving sedatives, he gradually started to get in touch with reality.
When he recovered and started talking, he told one of the strangest alien abduction stories that has ever happened in Brazil.
The boy’s name was Luis Carlos Serra, he was 16 years old from the village of Penalwa. The area of the incident was in a dense jungle and away from the civilized world, but for him it was a familiar environment. Suddenly, he heard a strange sound coming from the jungle. It was a loud hum, he thought it was a plane, but when he looked up, he saw something very bright, to the point that his eyes hurt. The light from the object was so strong that it illuminated the entire jungle shaded by the sun.
Then the boy realized that he could not move, and fell to the ground, unable even to cry for help. Then he felt the bright light envelop him and began to lift him higher and higher in the air. As he climbed over the trees, he finally saw that the light was coming from a very large circular object with windows on its sides. The boy was dragged into the object and left on the floor of the boat, then three creatures in metallic-colored uniforms and helmets gathered around him, and spoke to him in an incomprehensible language. They were as tall as a 10-year-old child.
On the right is researcher Bob Pratt, who studied the Louis case.
On the left is Louis, showing how tall his captors were. To the right is researcher Bob Pratt, who studied the Louis case.
Louis then found himself in a dark and strange place outside the boat, where there was only darkness and grass everywhere.
“I ended up in a country / place, where there are no trees but very tall grass. I do not know how long it took to get there. I flew out of the boat window to the ground. I was paralyzed. It was a strange place. It looked like a field. The grass was very high, about a meter. I saw no houses or buildings anywhere. I could not see the sky, there were no trees or stars. It was very dark. These beings approached me again and put a pipe in my nose. Then they put “A transparent ball in my mouth and a liquid came down my throat quickly. I fell asleep and I do not know what happened next. I woke up in the familiar jungle of my area still paralyzed.”
There, on the ground, he was for three whole days, as he was in a state of severe shock before the fisherman found him.
His story became known because the fisherman found him and took him to a city hospital, and journalist Bob Pratt became interested in her. He specifically went to his village to interview him, he also questioned the medical staff, including two psychiatrists, as Louis’ condition did not fit any logical version of the incident as described by the doctors.
A few months later, in the same area of Brazil, villagers noticed in the jungle three humanoids in silver uniforms, that is, similar to those described by Luis. No one knew what they were doing there, but Bob Pratt said they might have kidnapped other people and thrown them into the jungle in the same way. But no one would ever find them, and they might just die and be considered missing by fellow villagers.