In 2015, throughout Hillary Clinton’s election campaign, some American evangelical political scientists frequently criticized Hillary, urging individuals to cross themselves 33 times, citing the “7 Visions of William Branham” from 1933.
Recently, the topic of the last president of the United States has resurfaced, with many recalling that the position was held by a woman. During this period, we were not active online and engaged in other activities, hence not all our readers may be familiar with William Branham.
In 1933, pivotal events shaped William Branham’s life and future ministry. During a June baptismal service for approximately 200 individuals by the Ohio River, he experienced a divine call to ministry. A phenomenon resembling ball lightning descended and hovered above him, reminiscent of an occurrence at his birth. Concurrently, a heavenly voice proclaimed, “As John the Baptist was sent to foretell the First Coming of Jesus Christ, so you are charged with a message to announce His Second Coming.”
In addition, in June of that year, a prophet received a series of visions depicting seven different future events. These events were widely reported in newspapers and many churches across the United States. Remarkably, six of these events have already occurred, but the unfortunate reality is that the final, seventh vision foretells the Apocalypse.
We are sharing his views as a reminder of the well-known eschatological beliefs.
Vision One: In a vision, it was revealed that Italy’s dictator, Benito Mussolini, would lead an invasion of Ethiopia, resulting in its downfall through his actions. Furthermore, the voice in the vision foretold a grim fate for Mussolini, predicting that he would meet a horrific death and face the contempt of his own people.
Vision Two: The vision suggested that America would be embroiled in a global conflict against Germany, under the leadership of the Austrian Adolf Hitler. It was foretold that this devastating war would lead to Hitler’s downfall and his enigmatic demise. The vision depicted the Siegfried Line as a place where many American lives would be sacrificed, yet it also foretold Hitler’s defeat.
Vision Three: The vision’s third segment revealed that three “isms” would emerge globally: fascism, Nazism, and communism. The first two were predicted to collapse swiftly, while the third was foreseen to corrupt society over an extended period.
Vision Four: The fourth vision that came to him was one predicting immense technological progress following the war. It was represented by an egg-shaped vehicle with a plastic bubble top, cruising on pristine highways, entirely under flawless remote control.
Vision Five: This vision showed the moral decay of the women of the future. From the moment they gained their so-called freedom to enter into worldly affairs by voting, they soon began to wear clothes that were too revealing. Before the end of the world, these clothes would become so scarce for women that they would walk almost naked.
Vision Six: In the United States, a woman of utmost beauty will emerge, adorned in magnificence, and she will be endowed with immense power. Her features will radiate beauty, yet a pastor perceived an indescribable severity within her. Despite her beauty, she will be ruthless, malevolent, and sly. She will wield her power to dominate the nation, holding absolute sway over its citizens.
Vision Seven: God instructed the pastor to gaze upon the world once again. As he looked, he witnessed a colossal explosion that had shattered the entire planet, reducing the American lands to a smoldering, chaotic wasteland. The horizon was filled with nothing but craters, smoldering rubble, and an absence of human life. And then, the vision disappeared.
Legend has it that in June 1933, while Branham was holding services at the old Masonic Hall on Meggs Avenue in Jeffersonville, he received a revelation and subsequently began to preach. It remains unclear whether this actually happened or if there were influences from the 33rd degree within the Masonic hall. However, the first five visions were fulfilled precisely and punctually.
It is presumed that the remaining visions will also materialize, involving a woman who will tightly control the United States, followed by a cataclysmic event where the Earth will split in two, leading to total annihilation.