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5 Insanely Creepy Youtube Videos That Will Guaranteed Give You Nightmares

5 Insanely Creepy Youtube Videos That Will Guaranteed Give You Nightmares 1

There’s nothing quite like watching an insanely creepy video late at night when you’re trying to get some shut eye. The Internet is filled with countless nightmare inducing videos. Please be warned that for those of you who thought the Internet was simply a place to connect with old high school friends and watch Harlem Shake videos, we suggest you stop reading while you can. Maintain that innocence; it’s a beautiful thing. Once you allow certain images and thoughts into your head, they never leave. Once you admit a certain kind of evil into your heart, it never lets go. You may choose not to experience the dark side…..

For the rest of you out there, it’s time to buckle up and prepare yourself for some seriously hair-raising all-nighters. And now for your viewing pleasure…here are what we consider some of the creepiest videos in existence. [note: there is no gore]

1) Voice Recording of The Night Stalker

This recording was found on the answering machine of a victim who was murdered by the “original” Night Stalker. From 1976 to 1986, The Night Stalker terrorized quiet suburban communities throughout California and he eventually became notorious as one of the most violent serial killers in American History. He is linked to at least ten murders and fifty rapes, but investigators believe he was responsible for many more. He would sneak into his victims bedrooms at night wearing a ski mask. The creepiest part is, not only was he never apprehended…he is most likely still out there.

2) Horrifying Sounds of Hurricane Ike

As it turns out, nature can produce a really terrifying horror movie soundtrack. This video was recorded on the 11th floor of a hotel as the eye of Hurricane Ike passed over the building. These sounds could easily pass as the score for The Exorcist. But if you close your eyes, you can almost hear the echos of millions of tortured souls screaming their last breath on a train heading straight to hell. Listen to this one in the dark and tell us it’s not beyond creepy.

3) Surveillance Footage of Elisa Lam

The unexplained death of Elisa Lam is one of the creepiest mysteries of our time. Her body was found floating inside one of Hotels Cecil’s rooftop water tanks on February 19th, 2013. This controversial and bizarre surveillance footage shows Elisa Lam minutes before she died. For starters, there is something seriously off about this video. Elisa is pressing all of the elevator buttons, acting terrified, and is moving in a very strange manner (almost not human). She appears to be talking to someone, something … or nothing at all. Her arms are contorting in to some frightening positions.

When her toxicology reports came in and showed no signs of drug use the conspiracy theories started pouring in and for a good reason. Was she possessed? Was she being followed by a serial killer? Was it something paranormal? Nobody knows!!! But I swear, if you watch the video close enough, your eyes will start playing tricks on you. And just for a second it appears as if there’s a ghostly form outside the elevator door…

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4) Anneliese Michel Exorcism Audio Tapes

These incredibly disturbing recordings were taken from 47 of Anneliese Michel exorcism sessions in 1975. Till this day it remains one of the most harrowing exorcisms in history. Besides the ghastly sounds of her snarling and growling, at one point it sounds as if two demons are arguing with each other, both of them talking through Anneliese’s mouth, but with distinctly different voices. One things for certain, whether you believe Anneliese was possessed or just suffered from a mental disorder….these recordings are absolutely bone chilling.

5) An Interview with a Cannibal

Have you wondered what goes on inside the tortured mind of a cannibal? The people over at Vice Magazine made this incredibly disturbing documentary about the infamous cannibal Issei Sagawa. Issei goes into insane detail about what it’s like to eat human flesh. This video is seriously disturbing…if you have the stomach to watch it!

Got a creepy video? Please share it with us in the comments!



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