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Metaphysics & Psychology

2012 Transition, Awakening, Ascension or absolutely Nothing?

2012 Transition, Awakening, Ascension or absolutely Nothing? 1

This is a topic that has fascinated many of us and also has a huge amount of infos, assumptions, visions, prophesies, channellings and opinions on it. There is literally hundreds of books, thousands of movies and millions of posts and articles on this topic… Simply the fact that there is so much on this, must mean something is bound to happen… Or does it?
What does Transition, Awakening or Ascension really mean… and what exactly would one consider as “nothing”? Which one will it actually be? Or is it all of these at the same time? Is he right, is she right, are we right… Who is right who should we listen to and who should we follow?
So, as so many have done before, we have decided to consolidate and formulate our own views on this and bluntly put it out there…. Why? Well, we feel sharing is good, listening is good and being open to all views and opinions is good… Why?

As much as we may be aware of the spiritual universe, we must also remember that currently and all around us there is a physical universe, which by the way can be of extraordinary beauty and inspiration. So, we must remember to deal and work with this material world too… By keeping thoughts to ourselves and as thoughts only, that is the state they remain in, at least most of the time. Writing it down and sharing, is one of the many ways to starts acting upon that thought and to initiated the process of manifestation in the material universe so to say…
Before we go any further though … We would like to make something very clear and understood, this is critical and applies to anything and everything!

True is only what is true to you and that is it, don’t dig any further! Be your own advisor in all subject and matter, follow yourself only! Time is an illusion, there is only NOW, by living in the past or worrying about the future you are not affecting the present! No one will save, guide or free you, except yourself!
Now… On the subject of ‘Awakening’… Well… Just look around you and remember how you felt and though about things a year ago… The Awaking as it’s called is happening since a long time, probably since the 70s if not longer. The awakening process per our observation, is simply a change of view and opinion in respect to this extreme materialism vs. spirituality with all its assets, whether this may be the comprehension, that there is individuals here who’s only interests are suppression, power and control over you, using systems, technologies, solutions and lies that we have bought into for so many years. All of which are currently being exposed at an ever growing and faster rate (war, religion, government, banking, health, education etc…) or simply the realisation that you are more than just flesh and bone, to what ever depth you wish to take this. That there is more around us than what we have been educated to know, understand and realise (astral projection, self healing, telekinesis, spirits, the universe, aliens, hollow earth, DNA etc…) all of which are again being shared and discussed more and more.
Ascension as per its definition is just the act of rising to an important position or a higher level. So, considering the current but fading state of affairs… What do you believe that would be… Our observation of this is, we are all part of this, what ever this may be and we are part of this planet, (it’s called ‘mother earth for a reason) this planet is part of this solar system, this solar system is part of this galaxy, this galaxy is part of this universe, thus we are all part of the same or one. If you now reverse that, what ever happens in the universe will effect the galaxies, what ever happens in the galaxies, will effect this solar system and planet and what ever happens to this planet will effect us.
Ignoring time as what we consider it to be for a moment, the universe has gone through many changes and so has this planet and so has everything and everyone on this planet. For the purpose of providing a ‘terminology’ lets call these changes ‘Transitions’. Simply put, we (the universe, galaxies, planets and us) have gone though several these ‘transitions’ through time, some grater some smaller. This could be referred to as dimensions and some believe we are moving from the 4th to the 5th dimension. Same can be related to astrology, we are in the age of Aquarius and moving into the next. However, this is not what we want to focus on. The question that we feel is of real essence in all this would be what ‘change’ is to be expected by within or after this new transition. All in all, ascension is about moving on and in theory into higher or better or just a new state of affair.
Nothing… Does that even exist? What is being referred to by nothing? Does that mean everything will just continue in the same pace and rhythm as it’s going? Is the 3 days of darkness part of a ‘nothingness’ or a ‘time out’? Because it’s a gradual transition over thousands of years, will it feel like any everyday experience? Personally, we feel ‘nothing’ is not even of any relevance on this topic… Because anything would be something, whether it’s a war, revolution, a new year resolution, change of government, new finding with energy and power, change of general health or educational systems, discoveries or eating a new brand of serials in the morning… It’s all something and you know what, if the serials are really good… They are all major events!
Now for real, of course we can relate to what is meant by nothing… But this is exactly where we feel the catch on this whole topic comes to play and it’s a very simple ‘catch’…
If you now build on or put your efforts in the material aspects, that is what you will transition to. (Invest in Materialism and you with get Materialism) And if you build on or put your efforts in the spiritual aspects, that is what you will transition into. (Invest in Spirituality and you will get Spirituality)
Considering all the information we have read and observations we have made, it would nearly seem like, earth will transition or ascend, regardless of what you or I may think and those who get it will feel and experience that and those who don’t, well, they will experience ‘nothing’ so to say.
So instead of listening, reading, watching things like this… We feel you should be asking and answering yourself these very questions and thoughts or scenarios.
As we had summarised in one of our earlier topics on this subject and final thought is:
It will be a NEW BEGINNING, the finding of our TRUE nature and the full EXPOSURE of suppression and control. We think that it will be the EVOLUTION stepping stone in the GROWING of OURSELVES and our UNDERSTANDING of this WORLD, the UNIVERSE and ENERGY! We believe that the more think and feel this way, this will be the outcome!


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