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11 Signs Your Personality Is So Intense That It’s Intimidating To Others

11 Signs Your Personality Is So Intense That It’s Intimidating To Others 3

by  Elizabeth DeVille

There are many different situations we may find ourselves alone in life ranging from the energy we carry, the personality traits we possess and the atmosphere that we create in life. For those who possess a deeper personality, you may actually be scaring people off just by being yourself!

This isn’t designed to tell you to change or alter yourself in some way. If you possess a deep personality, know that you are a diamond in the rough – the honest, reliable, forward-thinking type of person that makes this world a better place. However, not everyone is going to understand how your mind works. There are many people out there who are willing to settle for far less, and your intensity threatens the simplicity of the world that they have created.

If you feel as though you are struggling to connect with others, this could be a sign that your personality is so intense that others simply don’t know how to approach you. This is a reflection on them, not a reflection on you. Keep doing your thing!

Here Are 11 Signs That Your Deep Personality Is So Intense That It’s Intimidating Others:

#1 – You are honest to a fault.

When it comes down to it, you value honesty above all else. In fact, you will have an uncomfortable conversation, if necessary, to ensure that you can get straight to the point and put the truth out there. After all, if you don’t have the truth, what do you have? Just remember that not everyone is prepared to hear the truth.

#2 – You are a problem solver, not one to wallow.

If you’re in a difficult situation, you’re not the kind of person who is going to sit around wallowing in the struggle you’ve been handed. Instead, you will instantly get to work trying to find a solution to the problem, working on getting yourself out of there and on to better things.

#3 – You aren’t afraid of intimacy.

It’s surprising how many people in today’s society claim to understand the importance of intimacy and then shy away from it completely when the opportunity presents itself. You, however, understand that intimacy comes on many levels, and each is necessary in its own way in your relationships including not only romantic relationships but also friendships and family connections. This includes actions as simple as a hug or a pat on the back.11 Signs Your Personality Is So Intense That It’s Intimidating To Others 4

#4 – You are incredibly intense in all that you do.

You intend on living life to the fullest, experiencing everything available. This causes you to lead your life with a level of intensity that most will fail to understand. The few who understand you will share your passion for finding enjoyment in every moment, those are the people you need to surround yourself with.

#5 – You ask A LOT of questions.

While this may come across to others like you are interrogating them, the truth is that you want to get to know them on a deeper and more meaningful level. You aren’t asking for manipulative reasons or to find out information you can use to your benefit later, you genuinely want to understand others better and asking questions is the best way to learn more.

#6 – You refuse to waste your time waiting around for others.

Sure, you understand the importance of friendship and companionship but when it comes down to it, you have places to go and things to accomplish. If someone is going to waste your time or leave you waiting around waiting for them to recognize what you have to offer, you have better things to do. You’ll simply walk away and devote that time and energy into those who are ready.

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#7 – You are like a human lie detector, able to see through the BS.

When someone is being insincere or dishonest, it’s like a red light goes off in your mind warning you that they are screwing around. As someone who values honest, as we previously discussed, there’s nothing you see as a bigger deal breaker than someone who tells lies. You have no interest in sticking around for those that don’t respect you enough to be transparent with you.

#8 – You are incredibly open-minded.

Too many people have masked closed-mindedness today with the illusion that they are merely staying true to their morals and beliefs rather than admitting they simply haven’t tried to understand. Instead, you are open to trying to understand new ideas, concepts and ways of living. You may not agree, but you’re always willing to learn more.

#9 – You always have a clear picture of what you want.

Every situation you enter into, you do so with the end already in mind and you refuse to settle for anything less. Your goals are always a top priority which can lead you to say or do things in your quest to achieve success that will make others feel uncomfortable. Just be careful not to be too goal focused or you can lose sight of the beauty in the little moments in between.

#10 – You are a creature of habit.

Schedules and consistency are your friends, creating a solid and predictable foundation upon which you can build your life. You like to know what to expect and how you should prepare for it, and you have no interest in surprises.

#11 – You have no interest in shallow relationships.

You’re not the kind of person who is going to enjoy a one-night stand or a casual fling. If you get into a relationship, you’re all in. You want to connect with someone on a deep level, establishing a meaningful relationship, and anything less is a waste of time in your opinion.

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